What are the uses of Actiq?

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Actiq is an opioid pain reliever or can be addictive. Actiq is indicated in the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain that is not controlled by other drugs. However, for pain that is not related to cancer such as migraine or pain after surgery, do not use this medicine to treat.

1. Uses of the drug Actiq

What is Actiq? Actiq is used to relieve sudden attacks of cancer in patients who regularly take moderate or large amounts of opioid pain relievers. Actiq works in the brain to change how the body perceives pain. Actiq should not be used for mild or short-term pain relief.
Actiq may slow or stop breathing in some patients and may form this habit. Therefore, when using the drug, the patient needs to strictly follow the indications and never share the prescription for others to use.

2. How to use Actiq effectively

Actiq is used as prescribed by the doctor as well as the instructions on the drug label to bring good results to the patient. Patients should be careful not to use Actiq in large quantities or for a long time. In some very rare cases, the use of Actiq, especially in children, can cause death if the child holds Actiq and puts it in the mouth.
Each unit pack is tightly packed and requires the use of scissors to open the blister for use. The medicine is placed in the mouth between the cheek and gum, while holding the handle with the fingers. Then rotate the handle to move the medication in your mouth while you take it. Next keep the medicine in the mouth for about 15 minutes and can be swallowed as needed. Patients should be advised not to eat or chew, drink or eat anything while the device is in their mouth.
If the patient experiences dizziness or abdominal pain before the drug wears off, the patient should stop using the drug and notify the doctor.
In case the patient is using Actiq in another form of fentanyl, the same dose should not be used with the drug being used above. Because, if the same dose is used with different drugs, the patient can experience life-threatening symptoms.
In addition, patients when using Actiq drug treatment need to perform regular oral hygiene because the drug can cause dry mouth and tooth decay. During the use of Actiq. Patients should not discontinue use suddenly because they may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
In case the patient accidentally takes an overdose of Actiq medicine than prescribed and shows some signs of unwanted side effects, it is necessary to take the patient to the nearest medical facility for emergency treatment. timely support to help patients overcome dangerous situations.
If the patient has missed a dose of Actiq while taking Actiq, the missed dose can be used as soon as he remembers. However, if the interval between the missed dose and the next dose is close, the patient can skip the missed dose and take the next dose. Patients should also be careful not to use double the dose because it can cause drug overdose and unwanted side effects affecting the patient's condition.

3. Unwanted side effects when using Actiq

Actiq medicine can cause unwanted side effects with allergic reactions, hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, swelling of the tongue, swelling of the throat... Similar to narcotic drugs On the other hand, Actiq can cause slow breathing and can cause death if breathing is too weak.
One of the following signs the patient should call the doctor immediately including: slow heart rate with sighing, severe drowsiness and feeling of fainting, or dizziness and abdominal pain before taking the medicine dissolving, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, severe body weakness...
In some cases, patients experience symptoms of serotonin syndrome such as agitation, hallucinations, sweating, fever, shivering, convulsions. convulsions, muscle stiffness, loss of coordination... Or serious side effects may occur in the elderly or those who are overweight or obese.
Long-term use of Actiq may affect fertility in men or women. However, more in-depth studies are still needed to clearly assess whether the effects of Actiq on fertility are permanent.

4. Drugs that interact with Actiq

Actiq may interact with other drugs or foods that change the way it works or increase the risk of serious side effects. Therefore, the patient needs to inform the doctor about the drugs that they have used before to the doctor. Some drugs may interact with Actiq such as pain relievers with mixed opioid antagonists such as nalbuphine, naltrexone,...
Some drugs can affect how well fentanyl is removed from the body. may then affect the way Actiq works. These drugs include calcium channel blockers, antibiotics, HIV drugs, antifungals...
The use of MAO inhibitors with Actiq can cause serious interactions in some cases. may lead to death. Therefore, Actiq should be avoided during treatment with MAO inhibitors. Most MAO inhibitors are not recommended to be used two weeks before treatment with Actiq used with other drugs such as opioid pain relievers or cough suppressants or alcohol, marijuana, or sleeping pills, or antihistamines...
Using Actiq with other medicines is dangerous chance of serotonin syndrome and toxicity such as ecstasy, antidepressants,...
Some cautions when using Actiq
Actiq drug can make patients dizzy and drowsily so it should not be used. drugs while driving or using machines or performing tasks requiring alertness. Actiq contains sugar and may increase the chance of tooth decay or dental problems. Therefore, patients should brush their teeth thoroughly while using this medicine. Actiq should only be used when it is especially necessary for women who are pregnant. Because the drug can harm the unborn baby. Therefore, before taking Actiq, pregnant women should thoroughly discuss with their doctor the possible benefits and risks of taking Actiq Actiq may pass into breast milk and may cause side effects. Unwanted side effects for children when using this milk. Therefore, if the mother is using Actiq and finds that the nursing infant has unusual sleepiness or difficulty eating or breathing, notify the doctor for timely support. Actiq should be stored at room temperature, but protected from light and moisture, which can reduce its effectiveness. In particular, do not store the medicine in the refrigerator or freezer, which will limit the drug's activity. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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