Can drinking cold water lose weight?

Drinking water has been shown to benefit our health, both mentally and physically. But many people still do not know whether drinking ice water is good, or drinking ice water to lose weight? The following are the potential risks and benefits of drinking cold water.

1. Is drinking ice good?

Difficulty digestion Some people believe that drinking cold water is a bad habit, which can actually harm the body's long-term health. According to this view, drinking cold water constricts the stomach, making it more difficult to digest food after a meal. It is also believed that the body has to work harder to maintain the internal temperature (37°C) if drinking ice water, or cold water below 4°C.
Causes stuffy nose, difficulty breathing In fact, drinking cold water affects the body in unforeseen or undesirable ways. A study conducted since 1978 found that drinking cold water makes nasal mucus thicker and difficult to pass through the airways. By comparison, the experts also found that soups and hot water in general helped people breathe easier. So if you're trying to get rid of a cold or flu, drinking cold water can make your stuffy nose worse.
Headaches and Throat Drinking cold water can aggravate some other health conditions. For example, 2001 data showed that drinking cold water was associated with migraine triggers in people experiencing the condition. The pain associated with achalasia (achalasia), a condition that limits the ability of food to pass through the esophagus, can also be made worse if you drink cold water with a meal.
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Body imbalance In ancient Chinese medicine, drinking cold water with hot food creates an imbalance. Usually, meals in Chinese culture will be served with warm water or hot tea. This view is also widely recognized in a number of other cultures around the world.
Some people even believe that drinking cold water on hot days will not help you cool down, only quench thirst immediately and make you more dehydrated. However, there has not been enough research to conclude this opinion is right or wrong.
2. Benefits of Drinking Cold Water On the other hand, drinking cold water is still said to offer certain benefits. For example, drinking cold water while exercising will help prevent the body from overheating, so the workout will go more smoothly. This may be because drinking cold water makes it easier for the body to maintain a lower internal body temperature.
Additionally, drinking plain water, regardless of temperature, has been shown to give the body more energy to function throughout the day. People cannot live without water, especially people who want to lose weight should drink more water.
Around the question "Does drinking ice water lose weight?", experts say that cold water not only keeps the body healthy, but also reduces cravings and burns calories, thereby helping you to gain weight desired weight quickly.
Drinking water helps reduce appetite Drinking a large glass of water will help you stay away from junk food, as well as eat less at 3 main meals because the stomach has been filled with water, there is no room to store much food or feel hungry . According to a study, overweight people who drank 500ml of water 30 minutes before a meal, maintained for 12 weeks, lost more than 1.4 kg compared to the group that did not drink water.
Boost metabolism A study in Germany showed that water promotes fat burning in the body. Drinking two large glasses of water at medium temperature increases metabolic rate by 30% after 30 minutes.
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Stronger weight loss effect of drinking cold water Drinking iced water for weight loss actually helps you burn a few extra calories while digesting. This is because the body has to work harder to maintain its internal temperature. In other words, when drinking cold water, the body has to work hard to warm the water. One study showed that drinking 250ml of cold water will help the body burn 7 calories. Meanwhile, drinking 10 cups of cold water daily, lasting for a week will burn 490 calories. If you continue to maintain this habit, you can lose 3kg just by drinking ice water to lose weight.
Thus, drinking filtered water - regardless of ice or warm water, as an alternative to sugary drinks is both good for digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. But beyond that, there is not much other strong evidence to support the idea that drinking cold water loses more weight than warm water. Drinking ice water for weight loss does not have the same effect as exercise and proper diet. Therefore, the ideal formula to soon have a healthy weight is to eat right, combined with regular exercise, and add filtered water (with or without ice), instead of other drinks like milk tea, soda, coffee...
3. Is hot hot water better than cold water? Drinking warm water can aid digestion, help circulation, and aid the body in eliminating toxins faster. However, there are also some points you need to keep in mind when deciding to stick with hot water.
Specifically, drinking warm or hot water will make you less thirsty. So you may not be rehydrating enough on hot days, when sweating to cool your body leaves you dehydrated. If you choose to drink warm water, remember that you may not feel thirsty as often and need to actively drink enough water, instead of waiting for thirst to signal.
Experts recommend that men ≤ 19 years old consume 3.7 liters of water per day (about 15.5 cups) and women ≤ 19 years old need 2.7 liters per day (11.5 cups).
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In short, ice cold drinks should be avoided if you are suffering from a cold or flu, or suffer from any digestive condition. While some cultures consider drinking cold water a significant health risk, they actually have several benefits of their own, including keeping the body hydrated and providing more energy. If you want to drink cold water to lose weight, have gastrointestinal problems or feel that your body is constantly showing signs of dehydration, talk to your doctor for guidance on a plan to rehydrate and keep your body healthy.

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