Fitness ideas for the whole family

Exercise for the whole family will benefit all members of the family. When you make an effort to be physically active, you will also become an example for your children to love sports more. So get creative and find ways to get the whole family to exercise.
Parents should make it a habit for the whole family to exercise together to benefit both adults and children. You can maximize your time by combining the two goals of exercise and family time together. In fact, this is essential for many busy parents. Here are some family exercise ideas that are appropriate for each stage of your child's life.

1. Toddlers and preschoolers

The fact is that children at this age do not sit still, you can do exercises for the whole family as follows:
Find a park with pre-installed outdoor game equipment to accompany your child motor. You and your child can use the seesaw to perform squats and lunges. If equipment is available, try some push-ups (pull-ups and chin-ups) or push-ups. Take advantage of the large space to play active games such as football, volleyball or chase. Create your own family game. For example, a combination of jumping, sprinting, acrobatics, squatting and crawling. You'll get your heart rate up when you incorporate some of these freestyle strength-training exercises. Organize a hunt, collect flowers and race with your child to see who gets to the finish line first.
Tập thể dục cùng các thành viên trong gia đình giúp mọi người gắn kết cùng nhau hơn
Tập thể dục cùng các thành viên trong gia đình giúp mọi người gắn kết cùng nhau hơn

2. Children of school age

Explore the world with your child and participate in exercise activities for children that they like, such as:
Walking: Hiking close to nature. This is a great family workout that no other electronic device can compare to. In addition, this is also an opportunity for children to talk to their parents more. Cycling: Explore your city or town to find new routes. Cycle or walk to school, to lunch or dinner with the family. Dancing: Relaxing to the music, having fun and doing some aerobics is also a great way for the whole family to exercise. Turn on your child's favorite music or some funny classical rock and get active together. Swimming: When you take your children to the pool, you also join in instead of just waiting outside. Jogging in shallow water and swimming in the lake are great ways to combine aerobic activity with family fun. Play sports: Organize a sport your child enjoys, such as tennis, basketball, or soccer. Plan vacations in places where the outdoors can be enjoyed: Find a vacation spot where you can ski, hike, surf, or hike.

3. Other suggestions for exercising with the family

You can also try these kids exercise suggestions to make being active for the family fun:
Sit down and plan exercise for the whole family with your kids. Go outside for exercise twice a week. Try hosting a family yoga session. Planting trees and taking care of the garden, allowing children to freely dig, plant and grow grass both enhances physical activity and helps them enjoy eating vegetables grown by themselves. Take your pet for a walk every evening. Wherever you go, look for opportunities to add exercise for kids to your home life. Exercising together as a family is both a way to enjoy time together, establish healthy habits for the future, and ensure the best physical health.

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