How to preserve fresh ginger

Ginger has a good effect in deodorizing, increasing flavor in food preparation and has very good effects on health. However, ginger is a spice that quickly withers, sprouts and molds. With large fresh ginger bulbs that cannot be used all at once, what do you need to do to keep the ginger fresh and keep its characteristic aroma?

1. How to choose ginger When you go to buy ginger you need to recognize and choose the moderate size but heavy-handed, solid ginger to preserve the ginger for a long time. You should pay attention not to choose ginger branches that are crushed, wrinkled, or have signs of damage or mold.
After buying fresh ginger, you can use a dry towel to wipe away the soil on the ginger root. If you plan to use fresh ginger within a week, you can store fresh ginger in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
2. How to preserve fresh ginger for a long time 2.1. Store fresh ginger in the refrigerator compartment Before you put ginger in the refrigerator to store, you need to wash and dry the ginger root. Then use a layer of foil to cover the ginger root or wrap the ginger in a dry towel and then put it in a sealed plastic bag, keep it cold in the refrigerator.
You can also use a piece of foil or food wrap, then wrap it tightly around the fresh ginger root and leave it in a cool place. With this method, you can preserve fresh ginger for a long time and still retain the characteristic aroma of ginger.
2.2. Storing Ginger in the Freezer Ginger is one of the spices that can be preserved well by freezing. To store ginger in the freezer, you need to peel, wash the whole ginger and place it in airtight containers and freeze.
Another way is to wrap the ginger with cling film. If using zip bags, you need to squeeze all the air out of the bag and then put the ginger root in the freezer for storage.
Fresh ginger stored in the freezer does not need to take a long time to defrost before use. You can use a scraper or a tool to grate the frozen ginger root as much as you need and store the rest in the freezer.
cách bảo quản gừng tươi
Cách bảo quản gừng tươi được nhiều người quan tâm

2.3. Preservation of ground ginger Ground ginger is a suitable ingredient for marinating some dishes before processing. To preserve ginger by this method, you can peel the ginger, cut it into small pieces and then puree it. Then, you put the ground ginger mixture into small ice trays, put in the freezer until the ginger is solid.
Every time you need to use it, you can easily take an appropriate amount and store it for the next use without having to defrost.
2.4. Preserving ginger in sand Storing ginger in sand is a very simple way to preserve, but gives extremely good results. You just need to use a large plate or basket. Then fill with clean and dry sand in a basket or plate, bury the ginger underneath and leave in a cool place.
This method helps to preserve ginger very well; At the same time, ginger stays fresh for a long time and avoids drying out.
2.5. Grinding ginger into a powder Another way to preserve ginger is to dry it or dry it and then grind it into a powder. Then put the ginger in a sealed glass jar, leave it in a cool place when needed, then take it out and use it.
Ginger powder still retains the maximum essence as well as the taste of fresh ginger.
2.6. Drying With this way of preserving fresh ginger, ginger needs to be washed, drained, then cut into small pieces, spread evenly on a tray, and then dried or oven-dried. Dried ginger can be used for a long time without losing the taste or characteristics of fresh ginger.
Note, after drying or drying, dry ginger should be placed in sealed glass containers and put in a desiccant bag to avoid mold or environmental influences.

cách bảo quản gừng tươi
Sấy khô là cách bảo quản gừng tươi được nhiều người áp dụng
2.7. Soaking ginger with vinegar Soaking ginger with vinegar or soaking sweet and sour ginger is not only a way to preserve fresh ginger for a long time, but also can take advantage of pickled ginger juice. Ginger juice soaked in vinegar will retain its freshness and inherent aroma. Eating vinegared ginger also works to eliminate waste products from the body, support fat loss, burn fat and effectively prevent hair loss. When you intend to make pickled ginger, you should use young ginger roots, wash them and cut them into thin slices evenly. Boil to reduce the pungent taste. Then, you take out the ginger, squeeze out the water and drain. Preparation: vinegar soaked ginger by boiling a mixture of water, vinegar and sugar (with a ratio of 1:1:1). Put the ginger in a glass jar, pour in the vinegar and sugar mixture and soak the ginger for a few days at room temperature. Finally, preserve the vinegared ginger dish in the refrigerator for use. 2.8. Ginger soaked in wine Ginger has a warm, spicy taste, is an herb used frequently in traditional medicine. When you soak ginger with white wine, it will preserve fresh ginger for a long time.
Ginger wine is a way to preserve ginger for a long time. This is also a remedy with many great uses in the treatment of colds, back pain, and joint pain relief. Ginger wine is also effective in supporting the regulation of blood qi and increasing blood circulation.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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