Learn about the amino acid Isoleucine

In addition to vitamins and minerals, according to nutritionists, amino acids are also an essential substance for the body. Among them is the amino acid Isoleucine. This is the building block of molecules called proteins, and amino acids are considered the building blocks.

1. What is Isoleucine?

Isoleucine, also known as L-isoleucine, is an essential amino acid, which the body cannot synthesize on its own, supplemented with isoleucine through foods. Isoleucine belongs to the group of hydrophobic amino acids. Isoleucine is an essential amino acid for our bodies because it is part of our genetic code and muscle tissue.

2. Benefits of Isoleucine

Isoleucine có tác dụng gì
Isoleucine tham gia vào quá trình hồi phục cơ bắp sau quá trình tập luyện thể dục thể thao

Isoleucine participates in the process of muscle recovery after exercise.
Isoleucine is part of the genetic code and is an essential amino acid of muscle tissue.
Some studies have shown that isoleucine supplementation can increase performance by up to 33% with the same level of exercise as before.
Besides, isoleucine is used to promote the production of glucose to provide immediate energy for the body, so your body will feel less tired when exercising and blood sugar is kept stable. determined.
While not able to act as much as leucine, isoleucine also has the effect of promoting muscle building by its ability to stimulate the development of growth hormones.
Isoleucine is required for the formation of hemoglobin. In addition, isoleucine also affects blood clotting, protects the body against the risk of wound infection after exercise, this process is very useful to support muscles. This is a very essential amino acid for athletes and people who often exercise.
Consuming a sufficient amount of L-isoleucine, helps sports athletes, people who exercise regularly to prevent the deterioration of muscle tissue during exercise. L-isoleucine enhances strength, endurance as well as accelerates muscle repair after exercise.
L-isoleucine, L-leucine and L-valine work together to make up one-third of the protein in muscle tissue.
Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that helps regulate blood sugar levels. A deficiency of isoleucine can lead to hypoglycemia, with symptoms such as hunger and dizziness. It can also cause neurological and cognitive problems including depression.
For adults, need to provide about 20mg/kg body weight per day.

3. Isoleucine side effects

If the body has an excess of isoleucine, it will cause negative effects on the body.
Children and pregnant women need to consult a doctor before supplementing with L-isoleucine.
L-isoleucine is metabolized by enzymes, when enzyme levels are low, this amino acid can build up in the blood.
Isoleucine deficiency can cause neurological and cognitive problems. This is also one of the causes of depression.

4. What food is Isoleucine found in?

Isoleucine có tác dụng gì
Thực phẩm là thứ duy nhất giúp chúng ta có thể cung cấp isoleucine cho cơ thể

Food is the only thing that helps us to supply isoleucine to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement this amino acid through the daily diet.
Some foods rich in Isoleucine such as:
Cereals Seaweed Chicken Lamb Cheese Fish Soybeans Eggs Legumes Milk Isoleucine is an essential amino acid for the body, but before adding this amino acid, You need to consult a doctor to avoid unnecessary risks.

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Article reference source: Webmd.com; Medicinenet.com
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