Nutrition pyramid for diabetics

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People with diabetes must always adhere to a strict diet to ensure adequate nutrition and stabilize blood sugar. Diabetes cannot be completely cured, so the patient must maintain a healthy diet as well as scientific activities to avoid the appearance of other dangerous complications such as cardiovascular disease,... So what is the right nutrition? physical? The following article will give a nutritional pyramid for people with diabetes.

1. Goals and principles of nutrition for people with diabetes

1.1 Goals There are no exact and right nutrition guidelines for all diabetics. Depending on the disease, the goal of treatment as well as the usual eating preferences of each person, the main goal is still to stabilize the blood sugar index and reduce the risk of other complications.
1.2 Principles in the diet of diabetics Eat enough, ensure the body is healthy, have enough energy for daily activities, do not have low blood sugar. Do not eat too full and do not eat too little to stabilize blood sugar. Eat enough 3 meals a day, it is best to divide it into 4 meals or add 1 snack in the evening to ensure that midnight is not hungry, to avoid hypoglycemia. Eat on time. Replenish water for the body enough 40ml per 1 kg of body weight. Do not be too abstain, still have to eat different foods to ensure nutrition. Don't focus on just one food.

Trắc nghiệm dành riêng cho người mắc đái tháo đường: Chế độ ăn của bạn đã hợp lý chưa?

Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường cần phải quan tâm nhiều hơn đến cách tính toán khẩu phần ăn sao cho phù hợp với nhu cầu và tình trạng sức khỏe. Nếu chưa rõ, bạn có thể tìm hiểu kỹ hơn thông qua bài trắc nghiệm ngắn sau đây.

2. Nutrition pyramid for diabetics

The nutrition pyramid for people with diabetes is divided into 4 parts based on food groups, from bottom to top, from food groups to eat more to food groups to limit eating.

Hình ảnh tháp dinh dưỡng cho người tiểu đường
Hình ảnh tháp dinh dưỡng cho người tiểu đường

Group 1: The group belongs to starch, cereals, potatoes and other substances rich in carbohydrates
This is a group of foods that help provide enough energy for the patient without or with little vitamins. People with diabetes can eat rice every day, eat sticky rice, or brown rice or sweet potatoes,... depending on their energy needs. However, you should not eat potatoes or bread, rice cakes, .. because it can cause an increase in blood sugar.
Group 2: The group rich in fiber and vegetables
People with diabetes should eat frugally, in which it is indispensable for the fiber group from green vegetables and fruits. In vegetables and fruits, there are many vitamins, amino acids and minerals to help provide adequate nutrients for the patient. In addition to eating normal boiled vegetables, patients can eat raw vegetables by mixing salads,...
In bitter gourd, algae, morning glory, water spinach, zucchini are very good for the body.
According to research, people with diabetes need to consume fiber on average at least 14g / 1000kcal / day. For women is 25g/1000kcal/day and for men should consume 38g/1000kcal/day.
Group 3: Group containing many vitamins and proteins
Milk, meat, fish, eggs, ... help provide protein, iron, vitamins to ensure adequate nutrition in the body. Diabetics still need to provide this food group to not be deficient in nutrients.
For people who are overweight or obese, they should only eat lean meat such as chicken breast, should not eat fatty meat, and do not eat chicken and duck skin because it contains a lot of fat.
Should eat more plant-based proteins that are good for the body such as tofu or soy milk - mixed without sugar to drink.

Group 4: Food group containing oil, fat, oil seeds
This group of foods helps to provide fat and increase vitamin absorption. Diabetics should supplement this group by using vegetable oils in food processing such as soybean oil, olive oil. Limit the use of animal fat to process into oil, eat animal organs, brains or canned products.
See also: 24 foods to help you control diabetes

Người bệnh tiểu đường nên sử dụng dầu thực vật như dầu ô liu
Người bệnh tiểu đường nên sử dụng dầu thực vật như dầu ô liu

3. Restricted food groups that diabetics should not eat

Food containing more than 20% glucid, allow to eat food less than 5% glucid, limit eating food with 10-20% glucid. Limit eating foods with a lot of sugar such as jams, candies, cakes or soft drinks, do not eat dried fruits because this type has more than 20% glucide. Abstain or minimize fast-absorbing sugars (jam, candy, cakes, soft drinks) dried fruits are foods with more than 20% glucid. Should eat light, reduce salt consumption: Only about 2300mg of salt should be used per day. Do not drink beer, wine and alcoholic beverages: Alcohol can cause people to have low blood sugar, especially when they have not eaten on an empty stomach. You need to go to the doctor periodically to check your health and promptly handle any abnormal signs. In addition to daily attention, diabetics also need to pay special attention to their daily exercise regimen. Depending on your physical condition to choose gentle exercises, both to help your body stay healthy and to avoid the risk of being overweight or obese.
Adhering to the daily regimen and principles of the nutrition pyramid for diabetics will help patients control the disease as well as limit the occurrence of other complications.
To actively control diabetes, you should have regular health checkups on schedule. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with a reasonable price policy, including:
Health checkup package general Standard 2020 VIP general health checkup package 2020 General health checkup package Special 2020 Patient's examination results will be returned to your home. After receiving the results of the general health examination, if you detect diseases that require intensive examination and treatment, you can use services from other specialties at the Hospital with quality treatment and services. outstanding customer service.
If you have a need for a general health check at Vinmec, please register directly at the website or contact the hotline system for detailed advice.

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