Fitness tips for business travelers

If work keeps you away from home often, maintaining your exercise program can be a challenge. Time travel and meetings can leave little room in your exercise schedule. Planning can help you stay in shape and reduce the stress that commuting can cause. Check out our travel workout tips below.

1. Exercising while on a business trip

When we're on a business trip, it's hard to stick to a pre-formed exercise routine. However, the following tips can help you somewhat maintain regular exercise while working away from home.

1.1. Pack some exercise equipment

Before your trip, research your hotel or nearby fitness facilities and pack accordingly. Your travel training essentials may include:
Sports shoes Gym clothes Swimsuits Jumping ropes Fist Earphones Yoga mat Smartphone or tablet
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1.2. Stay active even on the go

Whether traveling by car, train or plane, this can force us to sit in one place for long periods of time, which is completely unhealthy. To accommodate some physical activity in your travel days, wear walking or running shoes. If you are traveling by plane and time allows or work is not too urgent, walk through the airport terminal instead of sitting at the gate. When traveling by train, walk through the carriages from time to time. If you're driving, take a break to get out and relax.
If you know you will have to take a long break at the airport, check if the airport has a gym and pack your carry-on luggage accordingly. Keep in mind that different equipment and fees may apply.

1.3. Start practicing

Once you've reached your destination, prepare for the trip with a workout right away, even if it's just a brisk walk to check out your surroundings. If you can't, schedule your next workout and try to treat it like an important appointment. In addition, you can also consider the following ways to get active exercise:
Walking : Walking is something we can do indoors or outdoors without the need for exercise equipment. Walk to the airport, or walk in the hotel or even the convention center lobby. Walk to your meetings. Take the stairs. Or go for a walk outdoors to explore local parks and trails. Ask hotel staff about nearby safe routes for walking or jogging. Use the hotel's fitness facilities. Many hotels have gyms or pools, or offer day passes to local fitness centers. Skipping. Use a jump rope in your room or at the hotel gym. Try an online class. If you have space in your hotel room, use your laptop, tablet, or smartphone to find workouts online and follow them. If you can't find space indoors, consider exercising outdoors. Use a resistor tube. These stretchy tubes, which can be used virtually anywhere, provide resistance to weight as you pull on them. Use them to strengthen nearly any muscle group. Use your own body weight. Try simple exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, planks, back exercises, and squats. Swim. Many hotels are equipped with swimming pools for guests to use at any time. Try a new activity. Find classes and group activities or gatherings that interest you and allow you to explore your surroundings and participate in local cultural activities.

1.4. Listen to your own body

If flight delays or a change in work schedule make you feel exhausted, make your training session shorter or lighter than usual. Exercise slowly according to the extent that your body allows. Because travel can affect how we sleep and what we eat, it's not always the best time to try to boost our fitness levels. However, keep in mind that regular exercise can help reduce stress and feelings of lack of energy, which may be just what you need to get started.

2. Exercises suitable for business trips

2.1. Bodyweight exercises

If you're used to using a lot of equipment at the gym, the hotel's limited equipment options may disappoint. Weight-bearing exercises (exercises that don't require equipment, such as push-ups and sit-ups) can be done in your own room, outside, or at the gym. While some may consider these strategies less effective than heavy lifting, bodyweight exercises can be extremely beneficial for staying in shape.
According to fitness and lifestyle consultant Jason Ferruggia, weight training can be more effective, if not more effective, than training with free weights. Bodyweight exercises "don't hurt our joints as much as traditional weightlifting exercises," he says, and they "allow for a more natural range of motion." Plus, if you choose to do your bodyweight workouts in your hotel, you can even save yourself some time that you could spend getting ready to hit the hotel gym and set up. setting up/familiar with the device.

2.2. Simple exercises

While bodyweight workouts are a relatively easy way to work out while traveling, there are also options for bringing some packable workout equipment. There are many types of portable exercise equipment that take up very little room in our luggage. There is now a type of dumbbell designed for people who travel long distances. They fold up and take up very little space in your luggage. When we need to exercise, we just need to add water to increase the weight of the weight.
Jump ropes are also very light exercise equipment to pack but offer great cardio benefits. If you really need your workout to be enjoyable so you can keep working, Hoopnotica offers collapsible hula hoops that split into six sections for easy portability. The balance disc is also lightweight but gives you the same benefits as an exercise ball.
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2.3. Take advantage of smartphone workout apps

Creating their own exercise to do in a hotel room can work, but others need their coach or the energy from a workout class to keep them motivated. Therefore, they might consider using some fitness apps to keep working out while traveling for business. Many of the exercises shown in these apps can be done indoors or outdoors, although some exercises require equipment. App benefits include timers, voice cues, proper form guidance, and a variety of exercise ideas to choose from, to help keep your workouts creative.
Johnson & Johnson's Official 7 Minute Workout app is a popular choice, and it can be especially helpful for business travelers who need a quick workout. While 7 minutes may not seem like enough time for a good workout, this workout was designed by Chris Jordan, Director of Exercise Physiology at the Johnson & Johnson Institute for Human Performance and designed to help You get a full workout in minutes. The app also offers additional workouts, with guidance on proper form and the ability to gauge your fitness level and make tailored recommendations.

2.4. Explore the city

This is a “two arrows hit” type of activity. We can both explore the new city while doing an effective walking exercise. You may also find that exploring the city keeps you from feeling like you're working out.
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2.5. Wake up early

Our normal exercise routine can also get in the way if we can't find time in our busy work schedule to exercise. You can attend meetings all day and spend time chatting with clients in the evening. Therefore, it is best to exercise in the morning. According to Mitzi Dulan - a nationally recognized fitness and nutrition expert - in the Huffington Post, exercising in the morning has many benefits. These benefits include increased productivity, increased metabolism, better sleep and a better diet – because research shows that people who exercise in the morning make better meal choices throughout the day. day.
Marketing Manager Rose also finds waking up early is essential, especially when traveling for work. She says, “The hardest part about staying in shape is definitely getting enough sleep to stay motivated to wake up early... Exercise has to happen in the morning before the day starts, otherwise time. Yours will drift away. Waking up 30 minutes to an hour earlier will only make you feel better throughout your day.”

2.6. Plan ahead

Whatever your business workout preferences — from running outdoors to lifting weights in the room — planning ahead is key to making sure we're really fit to work out on business trips. work. To plan ahead, you might also consider researching other gyms in the area, training classes like Soulcycle or yoga, or parks to run. Make sure to bring everything you need—from tennis shoes to workout shorts—so you have no excuse not to work out. Also, try to schedule workouts in your travel itinerary.
Of course, exercise is only one part of the equation when it comes to staying healthy on a business trip. People traveling for business should also maintain a healthy diet although this is very difficult to do! However, many studies show that exercising during a business trip improves reaction time and alertness by 61%, finding time to exercise on your next business trip helps. for you.
We all know the benefits of regular physical activity - from reducing the risk of serious diseases like metabolic heart disease, diabetes and some cancers to improving mental health our god. However, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise. In fact, 2014 data from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that only 20.8 percent of adults over the age of 18 meet federal physical activity requirements for both physical activity and exercise. rhythm and increased strength. Even for those who have managed to get routine and exercise fit into their daily schedule, business travel poses an even greater challenge. Hotel gyms can often be limited in their equipment supply. Also, the packed schedule with meetings and dinners leaves little time for exercise. Therefore, it is very important to balance the time as well as find the motivation to practice.

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