The reason why the body is hot at night

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Heat in the body or hot body at night, also known as internal heat, is a condition in which the body always feels irritable, uncomfortable, sweaty hands and feet, may still have many pimples, and often sleepless at night. So what is the reason why the body is hot at night and how to treat it, as well as how to prevent it? Please refer to the article below.

1. The reason why the body is hot at night

People who are often hot at night or people who are hot at night are not too dangerous, but if this situation lasts for a long time, it can lead to toxic heat accumulating for a long time, causing the immune system to decline, health The body's resistance is poor, easy to get infections of the digestive tract, urinary tract, hormonal changes ... Here are the reasons why you always feel hot at night:
1.1 Medication side effects Some medications can make you feel hotter than usual, including the following:
Pain relievers Antiviral drugs, antibiotics for infections Medicines treatment of heart disease and blood pressure Chemotherapy Topical, dermatologic, hormone-boosting medications Gastrointestinal medications Head and neck medications, such as Sudafed Immunosuppressives translation Medicines for neurological diseases Medicines for the eyes Medicines for the lungs Medicines for urinary problems If you are having any serious problems related to drug side effects. It is necessary to inform the doctor about this so that they can adjust the dosage or change to another drug
1.2. Stress or anxiety Stress or anxiety will cause you to have certain physical reactions of the body such as flushing of the face, sweating of the limbs, feeling hotter than usual. Those are just perfectly normal reactions of the body against potential challenges or threats and preparing to respond.
A few other symptoms such as:
Increased steam Dry mouth Excessive anxiety Trembling Difficulty sleeping Inability to relax If you find that stress or anxiety is having a negative effect on your daily life, You can see your doctor for psychological or physiological support. Your doctor will give you helpful advice or refer you to a psychologist, using supportive therapies such as talking or behavioral therapy may help you
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1.3. Anhidrosis Anhidrosis is a condition in which people are unable to sweat. It can affect most of the body or only small areas.
Anhidrosis can make people feel unusually hot because sweating is essential to cooling the body and preventing overheating. People can develop anhidrosis if they notice a lack of sweat during exercise or when it's hot.
A doctor may conduct a sweat test to see if a person has sepsis. This test uses a color-changing powder to show the body's sweat volume. Skin sampling or a biopsy can also help diagnose anhidrosis.
Treatment may vary, depending on the cause of anhidrosis. If the condition affects only a small part of your body, you may not need treatment.
1.4. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain throughout the body. It can also affect how a person reacts to different temperatures, so people may feel the effects of heat or higher temperatures.
Some symptoms of fibromyalgia also include:
Aching, stinging, burning or stabbing sensations in many areas Extreme sensitivity to pain or light touch Muscle stiffness Fatigue Treatment may may include medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes.
1.5. Multiple Sclerosis People with multiple sclerosis (MS) may experience exacerbations of symptoms. These are episodes of symptoms that can come on very suddenly, and usually last only a few seconds or minutes. Symptoms may recur during the day.
1.6. Diabetes People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes may feel the effects of heat more. Diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves, affecting sweat glands. This means that the body cannot cool itself as effectively as it should.
People with diabetes can also become dehydrated more easily. High temperatures affect how the body uses insulin, which means people with diabetes must check their blood sugar more often.
It is important for people with diabetes to be aware of overheating or dehydration to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

1.7. Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive, which can cause a person to feel hot all the time. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. This condition can affect how the body regulates temperature. People may also sweat more than usual.
1.8. Perimenopause The time when the body goes through menopause is called perimenopause. Most women will experience this in their mid to late 40s.
During this period, women may experience hot flashes. Hot flashes can make you feel hot in their upper body, some people also have
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1.9. Other causes Eat less fiber. The irreplaceable ingredient, especially for the digestive system, is fiber because it can stimulate increased intestinal peristalsis, creating favorable conditions for food to easily pass through the intestines without being stagnant. Fiber performs the direct task of pushing toxins in the digestive tract, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the colon. Vegetables and fruits are the foods that contain the most fiber. The fact that you eat less fiber in your daily diet not only causes internal heat, but also increases gastrointestinal diseases. In addition to the main reasons above, the body heat at night also comes from a number of factors. reasons such as: spicy, hot, greasy diet, drinking less water, smoking...

2. How to handle hot people at night?

2.1. Diet Add vegetables that are both cooling and detoxifying such as gotu kola, lettuce, cucumber, bitter melon, squash... into your daily diet.
Supplement essential vitamins and eat more fruits such as oranges, papaya, coconut water, grapefruit, passion fruit... these are fruits that not only have a refreshing effect but also cool the body. .
Establish the habit of drinking enough from 2 liters of water a day so that the body can get the necessary amount of solvents to dissolve many substances, and at the same time purify the body as well as detoxify. This is also the simplest and most effective way to treat heat in the body.
Besides, you should wear comfortable, loose, sweat-absorbent clothes. Design a cool house, put indoor plants. Exercise regularly, rest and relax enough;
People with heat in need to abstain from hot spicy foods, limit greasy foods, do not drink stimulants such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, and smoke to limit toxins entering the liver. Avoid stress, minimize pressure, get enough sleep, don't stay up avoid more serious internal heat.
2.2. Scientific living mode People with heat in should live in moderation, do not stay up late, limit stress and tension. Exercise regularly to regulate the digestive system, avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body.
When you know the causes that can cause heat in the body and how to improve, you can apply to limit this situation. In case if you have applied but the problem is not improved, you should go to medical facilities to be checked by a doctor for appropriate advice and treatment.

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