7 strategies for raising picky eaters

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ngo Thi Oanh - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Children who are picky eaters are always a concern and preoccupation of parents. Why are kids so picky? And are there strategies specifically for picky eaters?

Why are children picky eaters?

Changing the consistency of food is also considered an experience for children. Children need time to get used to the ingredients, colors and flavors of new foods. Usually, most children like familiar foods.
Changing daily eating habits is quite common in children. Parents should let their baby try foods a few times before switching to a new food for their child and the purpose of changing foods is due to the nutritional needs of the child. Babies may gain weight more slowly because besides eating, children have many other things to care about.
Children will become more independent day by day and learn to make their own choices, including food choices. This is an important skill your baby needs to develop for years to come.
Your child can be a picky eater, but it's great to let your child try new foods. To assert their independence, the child will at first refuse. Parents should regularly feed their children healthy foods, which can be added to lunch or snacks.
>>> What if the child is a picky eater?

1. Pay attention to the presentation

Many children think that cabbage tastes better when they are manually removed or that the fruit tastes better when skewered on a stick instead of on a plate.
Therefore, for children, the presentation of food is also extremely important. You don't have to take it too seriously, simply arrange the chopped veggies on a colorful plate and stick in a few toothpicks, or give your child a fruit smoothie in a glass. instead of the old cup that children often use.
According to experts, food presented in an eye-catching way will stimulate the taste buds, making us crave and want to taste. In particular, for children, beautifully presented food is also 2 times more effective, who are not only picky but are also very sensitive to the appearance of everything.
Việc trình bày thức ăn bắt mắt góp phần kích thích vị giác

2. Let the children serve themselves

Allowing children the opportunity to be self-serving can help reduce their pickiness. Try to include a new dish on the menu every day. And if your child skips these treats, take a deep breath, don't pressure them. You should let your child enjoy the family dining experience in his or her own way, and try to put aside worries about the child's nutrition.
Let your child take control of his or her own meal at dinner, take the pressure off the meal. When mealtime is dominated by parental coercion or bribery, it creates a stressful environment – ​​and children get frustrated with the pressure. On the other hand, when mealtimes are pleasant and stress-free, children begin to relax and are more likely to accept tasting new foods.
According to experts, parents should create a comfortable eating atmosphere, which will help children feel more comfortable. And after days of bonding, your child may surprise you by experimenting with protein and vegetable dishes for himself.
If you don't see improvement, talk to your child (but never at the dinner table). You can tell your child that you've noticed he only eats rice and bread for dinner, and you can offer some gentle advice on what a more balanced meal should look like.
Finally, ask your child for their opinion as he or she can also come up with some ideas for a healthy side dish or two. Of course, if it's your child's idea, they're more likely to try it.

3. Try using a food chain

According to nutrition experts: Picky eaters are offered the same foods slowly and gradually. Gradually, children will learn to expand their menu.
For example, if your child likes a certain brand of French fries, have them try a similar brand. After your child accepts different types of chips, move on to foods with similar flavors and textures, such as potato chips.
Once your child accepts this, move on to baked potatoes. Make it this way with mashed potatoes, then mashed potatoes with gravy, then potato cakes and finally quiche.
Should give children a moderate amount of food when approaching new foods. Instead of all new dishes, you should alternate new and old dishes for children. Children can be given new foods with their favorite foods. During mealtimes, you need to make sure to include your child's favorite food.
The food chain is customized to the child's preferences at a slow pace according to the child's needs. This will help your child feel comfortable trying new foods. When it comes to eating, children often feel pressured and this is a method designed to accommodate children's preferences, rather than forcing them to adapt to another food.
Trẻ thích ăn khoai tây có thể ăn kèm theo với món khác để trẻ dễ ăn hơn

4. Let the kids go hungry

Most kids love to drink juice and eat crackers. Dinner is the meal that includes the most nutritious food of the day, if possible, let the child go hungry before it is time for dinner.
This does not mean that children should not eat snacks. Because children need to eat a few snacks in between the main meals. But there's a difference between providing snacks in moderation and so much that a child doesn't feel like eating when it's time for a meal.
If you see your child demanding to eat one dish after another, distract him by taking him for a walk or out at the park. This will help children feel more appetizing during the main meal. It feels great to sit down at the table while feeling hungry, however, a lot of children today don't have that experience.
That's because, children are more likely to eat a variety of foods when hungry, even foods that scare them a little. When a child's stomach is empty, he or she will want to taste all the foods that are on the table.

5. Don't blame yourself

When you see a child deliciously eating spinach, while your child is slowly eating half a slice of bread, you will feel self-blame. Don't worry too much and blame all the blame on yourself because being picky eaters is not the fault of the parents.
>>> 9 ways to deal with your child's picky eater
Once you don't blame yourself, you can gently help your child enjoy new healthy foods without stress or pressure for children. This will give you the freedom to cook according to your child's preferences.
The most important thing is that you can enjoy the meal with your child happily. Your child will be interested in your attitude, which helps them relax.

6. Start the day with a nutritious meal

You need to give your child breakfast with foods that fully meet their nutritional needs without taking too much time, such as fresh fruit, yogurt, low-sugar granola, eggs or smoothies. ..
According to experts, children who eat a nutritious breakfast will be less picky. In addition, children who ate breakfast had better overall health than those who didn't.
Bữa sáng của trẻ đơn giản với các loại sinh tố đầy đủ chất dinh dưỡng

7. Consult an expert

Some children are picky eaters because of developmental or medical problems. If your child's picky eater is affecting his or her health, causing a lot of conflict in the family (such as between a parent and a parent, or between a grandparent and a parent) or a condition that seems serious (or if you simply want some professional support), then you should take your child to see a specialist. Your doctor may refer you to a dietitian.
>>> Children 2-4 years old picky eaters: What to do?
A dietitian can provide an assessment to help find the root of the problem and will then find a customized plan to address it. For example, some children have sensory problems that make them resistant to certain textures, and therapy can help them learn to adapt. Many children get better with treatment.
Everyone likes to be praised and recognized for accomplishing or achieving something, children are no exception. So when your child does something, or begins to do it, don't forget to give him praise and suggestions enthusiastically and happily.
With the above mentioned ways, if you want your child to do something or eat a certain food, you will not have to force it, but the child himself will feel interested in these things.
To improve children's picky eating and anorexia, parents should also supplement their children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can also apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption by the baby. The most important thing is that the improvement of the baby's symptoms must take place over the long term. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really persistent with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.

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Article referenced source: babycenter.com
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