Why do babies cry when they see food?

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Parents' biggest concern is their child's eating condition. In many cases, children often show signs of fussiness when seeing food, vomiting or regurgitation when eating. Therefore, understanding the causes and taking reasonable measures to overcome the above conditions will help parents have a better child care regime.

1. Children vomit when eating

Children vomiting when eating is a fairly common condition. This condition affects the diet and makes the child not eat, cry when he sees food. Causes of vomiting in children when eating can be listed as follows:

1.1 Vomiting due to pathological causes

Diseases related to the digestive tract are one of the factors that make children vomit when eating for a long time:
Inflammation, stomach damage due to the attack of bacteria, virus. The food in the baby's diet is not of good quality and origin, unsanitary processing leads to food poisoning. Children suffering from diseases such as pyloric stenosis, gastrointestinal infections, intestinal obstruction... Coughs, colds and respiratory infections such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis...

1.2 Vomiting in children

This is a common condition that is common in young children, especially in the breastfeeding period. The cause of this condition is that the digestive system of the child is still weak and immature, the valves in the stomach do not work synchronously. Vomiting in children when eating is considered benign, but in some cases they are a manifestation of a number of diseases as follows:

1.3 Pathological regurgitation

The condition occurs when the child vomits in combination with the symptoms of fever, convulsions accompanied by a rash, abdominal pain, abdominal distension... In this case, parents need to take the child to a medical facility to be treated. Accurate examination and diagnosis, because it is likely that the baby is suffering from medical conditions such as food poisoning, gastrointestinal infections, meningitis, pyloric stenosis, gastric motility disorders....
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1.4 Physiological vomiting

The condition occurs because the baby's stomach is small, horizontal, so it is easy to vomit. This condition will stop when the baby is after 7-8 months old.

2. What method should parents handle vomiting in children?

When a child vomits while eating, parents need to prepare a towel and clean and change clothes for the baby. In addition, the mother absolutely does not pick up the child while vomiting to avoid the situation of fluid entering the lungs, which is harmful to health. To prevent children from vomiting, parents should put a scarf around the baby's neck when eating.
One of the principles when overcoming the situation of children vomiting or spitting up when eating is that parents do not shout loudly to scare the baby. Accordingly, mothers need to be gentle, perform gentle strokes on the back or chest from top to bottom, combined with happy conversations to help children forget their fears.
Besides, to avoid recurrent vomiting, parents should practice the habit of lying in the correct position, elevating the upper body and the head higher than the lower body when eating. In case the baby has just eaten and vomited along with food and milk, the mother should quickly put the baby to one side to prevent the intestinal juices from entering the lungs. Immediately after the child vomits, the mother needs to clean the nose, mouth, and clothes to limit the unpleasant smell from the vomit, to avoid the situation when the baby has just vomited, then the mother continues to feed the baby immediately.
Vomiting will cause the child to lose a lot of water and electrolytes, so parents should take measures to supplement enough water and electrolytes for the baby. Depending on each stage and age, parents can rehydrate their children with boiled filtered water or fruit juices... and note that children drink at a slow rate or can use a small spoon to feed the baby. Some signs of dehydration in children are as follows:
Mild dehydration: Child is thirsty, lips are drier than usual. Parents need to monitor to have reasonable rehydration measures for the baby. Severe dehydration: Decreased frequency of urination (child does not go to the bathroom or wet diapers for 4-6 hours), dry lips, sunken eyes and crying without tears, cold hands and feet. When a child has one of the above symptoms, parents need to take the child to a medical facility for immediate examination. In case the vomiting persists and shows no signs of improvement, parents should take the child to a medical facility for an accurate examination and diagnosis.
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3. How to overcome the child's vomiting when eating

Vomiting when eating is one of the reasons why babies feel afraid of food, leading to children not eating, or crying when they see food. However, this situation can be overcome by a reasonable care and living regimen for children as follows:
For babies who are exclusively breastfed by breast milk: Mothers need to avoid the habit of feeding the baby too full, instead In that, it should be divided into several feedings a day and let the baby suckle slowly. Besides, mothers need to pay attention to find the most comfortable breastfeeding position for the baby. The mother should put the baby's head and body in a straight line in the case of breastfeeding in a sitting or holding position. In the case of breastfeeding lying down, the mother should pay attention to place the baby's head higher than the upper body to limit reflux. After the baby has had enough milk, the mother should pick up the baby and pat her back gently to help her burp, to avoid lying down right after feeding, which can lead to vomiting when the baby eats.
For bottle-fed babies, vomiting is caused by a large amount of air entering the stomach while the baby is nursing. Therefore, parents should keep the milk in the mouth of the bottle when feeding the baby.
For children who are in the weaning stage at each different stage of development, the amount of nutrients in the child's diet is also different. Therefore, parents should not force their children to eat too much, leading to bloating, reflux or eating psychology in children. Instead, the child's diet should be divided into many small meals throughout the day and ensure the necessary amount and amount of nutrients. In addition, mothers should pay attention to some issues in the child care regimen to help limit vomiting when eating as follows:
For children who are in the weaning stage, the baby's diet should be changed. gradually change from thin to thick, from less to more until the baby gets used to the meal. Parents should practice for children to eat on time, each meal should last for about 30 minutes, avoiding the situation of eating while playing or watching TV or phone. Mothers should also let the baby participate in the meal with the family to help the baby feel the happy atmosphere, feel the interesting and strange meal and stimulate the baby to want to explore. Supplementing beneficial probiotics to help children improve resistance, strengthen the digestive system and limit vomiting... Limiting children's intake of fatty foods because they can cause difficulties Digest. Besides, the mother needs to pay attention to supplementing the baby with necessary micronutrients: acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), Selenium, Zinc, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger,... to help the baby eat well. , improve taste, reach the right height and weight, and exceed the standard, good immune system, strengthen resistance to reduce minor illnesses and less digestive problems including vomiting when eating. In summary, the crying condition of children when eating can come from nutritional causes, parental care, vomiting or regurgitation of children when eating. Therefore, building a reasonable care regime is a necessary requirement and nutritional supplementation needs to take place in a long time, so it is recommended that parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients, even on the go. food or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not use many types at the same time or continuously change the types of dietary supplements.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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