Having sex without using birth control 1 month after giving birth can get pregnant?

Hello doctor! Doctor let me ask, is it possible to get pregnant after having sex without using contraception 1 month after giving birth? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
Hong Ngoc Xt (Hanoi City)
Hello friend, I would like to answer the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant after having sex without using contraception 1 month after giving birth? ” as follows:
For about a month after giving birth, the fluid is still being expelled, so sex at this time is not recommended. Normally, a mother should abstain from intercourse after giving birth usually for at least 6 weeks after giving birth. However, the specific time for each couple depends on the way they give birth, the health status of the woman and the couple's psychology after giving birth. Therefore, if you have sex without using a condom after 1 month after giving birth, there is still a chance of pregnancy. Therefore, you and your spouse should actively use safe contraception during this time.
If you still have questions, you can go to the nearest medical facility or Vinmec Health System Hospital for more detailed examination and advice by experienced doctors. Best regards!

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