Feeling hurt your heart you need to pay attention

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Heart damage seriously affects the health and mobility of the body. However, the cause of the heart feeling hurt comes from the simplest things.

1. Learn about the heart

The heart and the brain are considered two important parts to maintain human life. If the brain controls the transmission of information, the heart is the place that supplies blood and oxygen to the body. These two parts are greatly influenced by the host's daily living habits and nutrition.
People who regularly practice hard labor or have poor nutrition can cause heart damage. The risk of heart disease is often difficult to detect because it has no lasting symptoms. But when discovered, most lesions have spread and become chronic diseases. So keeping your heart healthy is like improving your own health.

2. Dental hurt feeling

Oral hygiene is something we are often reminded of by doctors. According to the correlation analysis, gum or tooth disease has an impact on the heart. Although it is not possible to explain that relationship specifically, some opinions suggest that oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause damage to the heart.
When bacteria attack the blood vessels, it will cause inflammation of the blood vessels, obstructing the circulation process. Therefore, regular dental check-ups will help detect problems in teeth and gums early. If inflammation occurs, it will be treated by a doctor soon.

3. Heart affects when working hard or often overtime

Night sleep is extremely important for the excretion of internal organs. Therefore, scientific analysis has tested the functioning of organs at night. Working overtime, especially at night, will affect sleep and the body's ability to excrete toxins at midnight. It is this action that causes damage to the heart leading to a heart attack or heart attack.
Overtime when working, although it brings income to workers, it causes great harm to health. Unstable circadian hours will cause the organs to have metabolic disorders. This prolonged routine endangers not only the health of the heart but the whole body.
For a heavy working environment that requires frequent overtime, you should pay attention to this issue. Protect your heart with regular checkups and a healthy lifestyle.

4. Traffic jams can cause drivers to have cardiovascular effects

When participating in traffic, all agencies need to operate to ensure the safety of drivers. However, the sound of car horns and dust when stuck in traffic inadvertently make the driver's mentality easily fall into the negative.
Analytical studies have shown that drivers who frequently encounter traffic jams have a higher risk of heart attack than other drivers. Therefore, they suggest that noise may be the cause of people's increased risk of heart disease.
If it's not really necessary, choose a low-peak time or a less congested route to travel. If you feel stressed while driving, you can listen to music to help relieve stress. Others will choose to chat with their companions to focus more.

5. A damaged heart is a sign of early menopause

Premature menopause is a phenomenon that occurs when people begin to pass the age of 46. After this age, the risk of cardiovascular diseases also gradually increases, even doubles than before.
The reason after 46 you can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, ... is due to an imbalance of hormones. There are some hormones that play a role in stabilizing health that will be released in varying amounts. Therefore, you need to control the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially those with conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

6. Heart disease and snorers

Snoring is often subjective but it is a sign of bad health. Usually when people are tired, they will snore while sleeping. But if the condition persists or is accompanied by shortness of breath, it is necessary to quickly determine the cause.
During sleep may suddenly stop breathing then stabilize again. This is a sign of a damaged heart or damaged brain that needs attention. Short-term pauses in breathing may be caused by a blocked blood vessel. But if often present, it will cause high blood pressure, arrhythmias leading to heart failure or stroke.

7. Hepatitis C is dangerous for the circulatory system

Liver disease has a serious effect on the body's ability to remove toxins. So, if the liver is infected, it will lower cholesterol and cause low blood pressure. In which, hepatitis C is a disease with a high risk of causing inflammation of cells and body tissues. In the long run, if you don't find a solution, you may have more dangerous cardiovascular diseases.

8. Difficulty sleeping or not sleeping well

The sleeping time should be 8 hours/day. When a night's sleep is not guaranteed for at least 6 hours, it will cause cholesterol levels and blood pressure to change.. This is also a prerequisite for damage to the heart if prolonged.
Not every 8 hours of sleep will make your body healthy. Arrange for a long, uninterrupted night's sleep during the day. If you regularly sleep for more than 9 hours, you will inadvertently make your heart feel hurt. 7 - 9 hours of sleep is reasonable to ensure metabolic activities and help the heart and brain to be nourished.

9. Life is stressful and stressful

Health has a significant influence from human psychology. Married life is also a condition to determine health status. When a couple feels satisfied they will be happy and healthy. On the contrary, there will be stressful situations that can lead to a stroke.
The family's daily routine should be suitable to protect health. If you regularly drink alcohol with stress, it will damage your heart. You should talk to a psychologist to find a solution instead of abusing stimulants to soothe.

10. Feeling lonely

People when lonely will lead to serious psychological diseases. They can even lose their language ability if they don't communicate for a long time. Based on the collected data, people living in loneliness have a higher risk of heart disease.
Get a pet if you are living alone to improve your mood. Pets can bring joy and positive psychology to owners. From there, you can prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and prolong life.

11. Obesity is dangerous for the heart

Overweight and obesity and cardiovascular disease always go hand in hand. When you gain weight too quickly, you need to pay attention to it to prevent your heart from being damaged. You can track obesity through waist measurement. When the waist increases much or more than 80cm for women and 100cm for men, you should pay attention to your weight.
Obese people can use diet methods like keto, eat clean to limit energy intake. However, it is necessary to ensure adequate nutrition and not cause fatigue on the muscles as well as the brain. Maintain healthy eating habits and exercise for better results.

12. Being sedentary reduces heart function

Sitting for too long or not regularly exercising will lead to the risk of obesity and dangerous psychological diseases. People who watch TV regularly have a 20% higher risk of heart attack.
Balancing all activities of the day will help improve health. At the same time, if you are sedentary and often sit and watch TV, your muscle mass will weaken. Therefore, interwoven activities are really good for health.

13. Excessive exercise causes heart damage.

Practicing sports can improve your physique and health. But if abused will cause serious injury. Remember to maintain endurance when playing sports first. You also need to rest after a certain period of time, not playing sports continuously will not be good for the body.
Feelings of hurt coming from the heart are always very silent. However, they are still subject to those effects on a daily basis if you don't develop a scientific schedule. For more advice on heart disease, contact a cardiologist.

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Reference source: webmd.com

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