After surgery to bring the undescended testicle into the scrotum, it is swollen, purple and painful, why?

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Hello doctor, last Wednesday, my nephew had surgery to bring his testicles down to the scrotum but then it was swollen and painful, the doctor diagnosed it as swelling and blood stasis. On Friday morning, the ultrasound still showed nothing. My mother came in the afternoon and found it red and swollen, only to find out that it was poor blood flow and operated again for the second time, but until now, both sides of the scrotum are still swollen and purple and the top of the scrotum has to be red and swollen, is there any way to treat it? Do I have to have a 3rd surgery to remove my testicles? I hope the doctor will reply and can my hospital do it?
Anonymous client
Hi, scrotal hematoma is a common complication after surgery to bring the undescended testicle into the scrotum. When the scrotum is heavily engorged, reducing the perfusion of the testicles, surgery is needed to stop the bleeding, collect the hematoma, and drain it. Usually the surgical area will still be edematous for the first few days, then it will decrease. Wish this baby will recover soon.
Answered by Doctor of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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