Headache with nausea after head trauma?

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Hello doctor,
My head after the car collision was swollen a lot in pieces (big and small) after a day, it eased but when I lay down, it hurt and the day before, I vomited twice, feeling dizzy. So the doctor asked me if I have a headache with nausea after a head injury? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Phan Duy - Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
With the question “Is it okay to have a headache with nausea after a head injury? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
If you have a headache, dizziness and nausea after a car crash, you need to go to a medical facility for a doctor to examine to rule out serious injuries due to head injury. cause.
If you still have questions about your head, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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