Is it dangerous to appear at 21 years old with residual V.A?

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Hello, doctor, let me ask you that I am currently 21 years old, but is it dangerous to have residual V.A? I went to a private doctor before Tet, the endoscopy doctor told me that residual V.A was equivalent to a dome tumor. But after the epidemic situation, I did not dare to go to the hospital. For a few days now, I have had a stuffy nose and many of the same symptoms as above. Please read and answer my questions. I thank you!
Pham Ngoc Thanh Sang (1999)
Hello, thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System. V.A is the development of the tonsils due to repeated inflammation of the nasopharynx. V.A is common in young children. However, in some adults, V.A. can still cause complications: stuffy nose, snoring, sinusitis, sore throat, otitis media or persistent snorting of phlegm... Want to know damage If it's V.A. or another abnormal lump, you must go to the hospital to see an ENT specialist for a proper assessment and more authentic advice. Wish you always healthy.
Answered by Doctor of Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

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