3 tips to reduce stress at work

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Want to stop being frustrated and tired at work, the first thing you should do is open up to your colleagues, but don't be too casual. A British study of thousands of civil servants has shown that encouragement from colleagues, encouragement from older professionals and clear instructions from superiors can help reduce stress. .
Male civil servants who lack support in the workplace are 31% more likely to experience depression and anxiety, and 43% more women. However, talking too much can lead to reduced work performance.
The second secret is to make sure your office is as comfortable as possible. Seeing colleagues at work will make the work go more smoothly. On the contrary, the dividers between the tables will aggravate the situation of stress. In fact, the higher this baffle, the more people complain about background noise.
Research from the University of Montreal shows that the optimal height of the divider between desks is 1.3 meters (from the floor) - high enough for privacy, but still low enough for employees to feel uncomfortable. feel isolated.
The third piece of advice for employees is to learn to "disconnect" from work
Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off after hours of brain activity.
Playing with a dog or cat can increase relaxation, if you can convince your boss to bring them to the office. You will see that time goes by very quickly.
According to VnExpress

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