Beautiful with cosmetics but still safe

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(SKDS) - When women use sunscreen, hair beauty products and many other cosmetics, the possibility of being exposed to many unsafe additives is difficult to avoid. Therefore, it is necessary to have some understanding to choose beauty cosmetics that are still safe.
Hair straightener - How to use it?
The drug acts on the keratin of the hair to make it smooth and frizz-free. These drugs are often marketed as formaldehyde-free, but high levels of the chemical have been found in more than half of the products in circulation, and long-term exposure to formaldehyde can lead to cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to straighten hair only once every few months, which can annoy girls interested in hair fashion and is a concern of hair stylists. So how can it be replaced? Some shampoos help to cancel the electrostatic effect of the hair making it smooth and straight but not long. Flattening hair with metal clips can take away natural curls. Using a blow dryer isn't as effective, but stylists can teach you a few good techniques, combined with hair-safe products, to get the shinier hair you want.
Is hair dye safe?
There have been many studies looking for a link between hair dye and cancer. Some studies have shown that women who regularly use hair dyes, especially dark hair dyes, are more prone to leukemia or lymphoma. Many other studies have not found an increased risk. Most studies on hair dye and breast cancer have found no link. There is also no evidence that hair dye threatens the safety of pregnant women, but some physicians out of caution still recommend against dyeing hair during the first trimester of pregnancy.
It is possible to use hair dye made from plants (buds and leaves of henna/henna) to help avoid harmful chemicals, but this method does not create the desired hair color and is easier to fade. It is also possible to go to a high-tech professional hair color salon with adequate means so that the dye does not stick to the scalp and the chemicals are difficult to absorb.

Application of laser in the treatment of dermatological diseases.
Be careful with eyelash dye

Latisse is a drug that temporarily makes eyelashes long and curled. Apply the medicine daily to the upper eyelid. There may be little risk, but in some cases, the drug permanently darkens the skin around the eyes or changes color in part of the eye.
Want to avoid this risk, you can use false eyelashes, but it is not without risk because false eyelash glue can still irritate the eyelids or cause allergies. Be careful with medications that are advertised as thickening the eyelids because they can cause serious damage, including blindness. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved a permanent eyelash dye.
The type of skin whitening drug that dermatologists often prescribe for primordial skin (skin with many black dots), if abused, can cause skin discoloration. Animal studies have also shown that hydroquinone has been linked to cancer, but the risk in humans is unknown and safety is still under investigation.
It is possible to use laser technology to affect the surface of the skin to remove the superficial layer of the skin. This procedure, performed by a dermatologist, can minimize dark spots and even discolor the skin without the need for long-term use of skin-whitening chemicals. Only it costs more, is a bit painful and takes time for the skin to heal. Another small risk is scarring or discoloration of the skin.
Nail polish
Nail products contain many chemicals, including formaldehyde, phthalate, acetone or toluene. These vapors can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and respiratory tract. Employees at these salons are more susceptible to reactions than customers. Many nail medications can also cause fungal or bacterial infections, especially when tools are not properly sterilized.
To reduce the risk, before fixing or decorating nails, it is necessary to choose a facility with good hygiene conditions. Do not shave your legs before fixing the pedicure and should not fix the nails if there is damage to the skin such as scratching, tearing the skin... Nail repair establishments must also comply with the rules to ensure labor safety for employees. members and people in need of nail repair.
Exposure to phthalates
It's an emollient, plasticizer, and commonly found in children's toys, packaging, and some cosmetics, including nail polish, shampoo, and soap. Research has shown that exposure to phthalates during pregnancy can lead to abnormal development in the fetus, including low hormone levels and small sex organs. However, this information does not have enough evidence to draw conclusions about health risks.
If you're concerned about phthalate exposure, look for products that don't, check the ingredients for names like dibutylphthalate, dimethylphthalate, diethylphthalate, butyl ester, or a plastic softener additive... . Using phthalate-free cosmetics and skin care products can reduce your risk of exposure.
is the most commonly used preservative in cosmetics, from foundations, moisturizers to hair products. There are studies that have found parabens in breast tumors but have not determined whether parabens actually cause cancer.
Can choose beauty products but without parabens. Cosmetics are perishable without preservatives, but parabens are not the only option. Some cosmetics use vitamin C or vitamin E as a preservative.
Do makeup products have an expiration date?
Has a shelf life because preservatives in makeup products can lose their effectiveness over time and bacteria can grow. Therefore, experts give the following instructions: primer products (powder, foundation cream) have a shelf life of 1 year; blush/shadow shade: 2 years; lipstick: 1 year; eyelash medicine (mascara): 3-4 months. Do not use eye makeup that has been contaminated.
Choosing sunscreen products
Additives in sunscreen products have been used for decades and are considered safe. The danger is choosing too weak a sunscreen. To be able to protect against UV rays A and B, choose a product with a broad spectrum, SPF 30 or higher to reduce the risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging.
BS. His spring

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