Does acne treatment with Nano Skin technology cause skin to catch the sun?

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Acne is a concern of many people, but thanks to the development of medicine and aesthetics, acne treatment has become much more effective. One of them is the method of treating acne with Nano Skin technology. However, many people still wonder and worry that acne treatment with Nano Skin technology will cause skin to catch the sun?

1. Find out the causes of acne

Acne is caused by many different causes but can basically be divided into 2 groups of specific factors. Including:
Causes come from within:
Genetic factors; Puberty when sex hormones act to make the sebaceous glands active, thereby causing clogged pores and acne; For women, menstruation with hormonal changes in the body is a factor that can cause acne; Stress, prolonged stress, insomnia; Improper diet: eating a lot of sweets, high in fat and spicy. Causes come from outside:
Working in a dusty environment creates favorable conditions for bacteria to penetrate and accumulate on the skin causing acne; Using poor quality cosmetics; Using unsafe water. Acne causes damage to the skin to varying degrees. Besides, the process of bacteria attack combines factors such as accumulation of sebum, skin inflammation will make the aging process take place faster.
If not treated in time, skin health will be difficult to recover, even acne is reduced, the consequences are also very heavy. Currently, there are many different acne treatment methods, one of which is acne treatment with modern Nano Skin technology.

2. What is the method of acne treatment with Nano Skin technology?

Acne treatment with Nano Skin technology is a method that combines 4 modern treatment technologies simultaneously, including using Nano light, I Peel essence, Oxy Jet technology and Led light. In which:
Nano light: Acne treatment technology by using microscopic nano light particles to shine directly on damaged, acne-prone skin. As a result, it will inhibit and control the sebaceous glands, break the link of the skin pigment melanin to make the skin smooth, bright and even.
Essence I Peel: I Peel is a natural nutrient that has the effect of purifying, removing excess sebum on the skin, dead skin cells and killing bacteria extremely effectively. Oxy Jet technology: Oxy Jet technology has the effect of providing fresh oxygen and collagen to nourish, while stimulating skin cells to regenerate and gradually replace skin cells damaged by acne.
Led light: This technology combines the energy of 3 monochromatic blue, red, and pink lights that will have a direct impact on the acne skin, then help break the bonds of the acne nucleus and eliminate the source. produce acne after performing the course from 4-6 times.
Trị mụn bằng công nghệ Nano Skin có làm da bắt nắng không
Mụn gây tổn thương lên da với nhiều mức độ khác nhau

3. Does the Nano Skin acne treatment method cause sunburn?

Unlike previous acne treatment technologies, acne treatment with Nano Skin technology mainly affects the causes of acne. Through the effects of Nano and Led light, the skin will be cleaned deep inside, killing almost all acne-causing bacteria and removing sebum.
Therefore, all types of acne can be completely destroyed, the risk of recurrence is very low. For those who have both acne problems and other skin lesions such as redness, roughness, large pores ... then acne treatment with Nano Skin technology is the perfect treatment.
Besides treating the cause, acne treatment with Nano Skin technology also helps to provide nutrients, improve the ability to nourish and regenerate the skin and help the new skin to be healthier, smoother and more natural.
From the above results, the question about acne treatment with Nano Skin technology has been answered as absolutely no. After the treatment, your skin not only does not thin, but also creates an extra protective barrier outside to help prevent environmental influences, so it absolutely does not cause sunburn.
Besides, I Peel essence in acne treatment with Nano Skin technology is extracted completely from nature, ensuring safe and friendly for all skin. Nano light, Oxy Jet technology and Led light only affect the acne skin, do not affect the surrounding healthy skin and have been FDA tested and certified to be safe and effective for users.

4. Learn the steps to treat acne with Nano Skin technology

The acne treatment process with Nano Skin technology usually goes through the following steps:
Step 1: Visit Before proceeding to treat acne with Nano Skin technology, the patient's first step will be consulted by a dermatologist. consultation and examination to determine the exact condition of acne and give the most suitable course of treatment.
Step 2: Cleanse acne skin with Nano light Skin cleansing is a mandatory process in all skin care and acne treatments. The cleansing process helps to remove dirt, bacteria deep in the pores and thereby helps the skin surface to clear, reduce sebum and absorb nutrients easily in the next steps.
The wavelength of Nano Light is about 1,320nm, which has been certified by the FDA (USA) for its ability to reduce the growth of sebaceous glands, so it controls the amount of sebum quickly.
Step 3: Shine Led light to treat acne. P.Acnes is the leading acne-causing bacteria. Acne treatment with advanced Nano Skin technology kills all bacteria deep in skin cells, destroys the root and completely causes acne while ensuring safety.
Step 4: Strengthen the skin from the inside after destroying the acne After the acne is treated, the next step of acne treatment with Nano Skin technology is to add necessary nutrients to help the skin become healthy from the inside. and recover quickly to its original state.
Oxy Jet technology with micro nano oxygen atomizer that provides up to 98% of the fresh oxygen needed by the skin. These oxygen molecules act to blow away any remaining bacteria and sebum, so it is effective to prevent new acne from forming.
Step 5: Comprehensive skin rejuvenation Beautiful skin is not only clear of acne but also bright, smooth and shiny. Therefore, skin rejuvenation is also a step in the acne treatment process with Nano Skin technology.
I-Peel essence extracted from nature, penetrates into skin cells to help stimulate collagen and Elastin production to make skin bright, stretchy and quickly increase elasticity.
Trị mụn bằng công nghệ Nano Skin có làm da bắt nắng không
Chiếu ánh sáng Led để xử lý nhân mụn

5. Advantages of Nano Skin technology

Outstanding advantages of the acne treatment process with Nano Skin technology include:
The cost of acne treatment is suitable for many subjects; Using biological light to help destroy acne, kill bacteria, clear clogged pores, help reduce inflammatory acne in a short time; Remove all cystic acne, pus-filled acne, acne bran, inflammatory acne... Treatment of dark spots left by acne, reduce oiliness, shrink pore size; Ensure absolute safety for the skin, without causing pain, damage or irritation to the skin; In particular, at the first time applying acne treatment with Nano Skin technology, patients were able to feel the effect on their skin. From the above results and advantages, the question about acne treatment with Nano Skin technology has been answered as absolutely no. Besides, this method has also been tested and certified for safety.
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