Home remedies for chapped lips

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Excessive chapped lips is a condition that can happen at any time of the year. Dry cold air causes lips to crack and peel, especially when combined with other factors such as sun exposure or inappropriate cosmetic products. While using lip products can help, there are now many home remedies that we can use to reduce bleeding cracked lips.

1. Lips are too dry what to do?

Dry lips or even cracked lips that bleed happen due to the shedding of skin cells. Gentle exfoliation removes dead skin cells, making it easier for lip balms to reach and moisturizing the new skin underneath.
We can completely make our own lip scrub with ingredients available at home. All you need includes:
1 tbsp exfoliating ingredients such as sugar or sea salt; 1 tablespoon emollient such as honey or oil; 1 small bowl or container to mix the ingredients together; 1 cotton swab to apply the scrub to the lips; 1 damp towel to wipe off the lips after bleaching; Steps to make a home scrub:
Combine exfoliating ingredients (salt or sugar) and emollient (oil or honey) in a bowl or container; Dip a cotton swab into the above mixture; Use gentle force to apply the scrub on the lips in a circular motion; Wipe clean with a damp cloth. After exfoliating your lips, try one of these home remedies to help soothe, moisturize, and protect excessively chapped lips:

1.1. Cure bleeding cracked lips with coconut oil

Unlike most skin areas on the body, the protective barrier of the lips is very poor. This results in the lips being more sensitive to the elements (such as wind, heat and cold) than other areas of the body.
Coconut oil is an emollient, in addition to its ability to moisturize the skin, according to a recent reliable study, coconut oil can also protect the skin by strengthening the function of the outer barrier.
Other coconut oil benefits, especially for bleeding cracked lips, include anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Users should apply coconut oil to overly chapped lips with a cotton swab or clean finger daily. Virgin coconut oil can be sold online, in most grocery stores, and drugstores.
môi nứt nẻ quá
Dầu dừa là một chất làm mềm, dưỡng ẩm cho da nên có thể khắc phục tình trạng môi nứt nẻ quá mức.

1.2. Use aloe vera for excessively chapped lips

Aloe vera has many uses and is known as a home remedy for sunburn. Aloe vera's anti-inflammatory and soothing properties make it a great choice for treating bleeding chapped lips.
You can buy organic aloe vera in gel form or use fresh aloe from the leaves. First, cut a sheath of aloe leaves, then cut into slices to get the resin inside and store in an airtight container, using your fingers to apply this resin to your lips as needed.
The enzymes in aloe vera have mild exfoliating properties, so users should limit using aloe vera too often, preferably about 2 or 3 times per day.

1.3. Cure chapped lips with honey

There is a lot of reliable research on the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of honey. Honey has been used for centuries as a home remedy for skin care and a number of other health conditions.
Honey can help moisturize and protect bleeding cracked lips from infection. Besides, honey also acts as a mild exfoliator and can help remove dead dry skin on your lips.
Choose organic honey and apply it to your lips throughout the day with your finger or a clean cotton swab. Although honey is generally safe, people with pollen and bee venom allergies should avoid honey and honey products.

1.4. Avocado (avocado) for chapped lips

According to many studies, avocado flesh works effectively as an emollient, thickener and an ingredient in many lip balms. The property of this butter is non-greasy and is very well absorbed by the skin. It also contains several fatty acids and antioxidants that benefit the skin, including oleic acid and linoleic acid.
Users can buy products made with organic butter or make their own butter at home. To use on overly chapped lips, use your finger or a cotton swab and apply the avocado flesh to your lips as needed.
môi nứt nẻ quá
Trong trường hợp môi nứt nẻ quá mức, bạn có thể mua các sản phẩm làm từ bơ hữu cơ hoặc tự làm bơ ở nhà để điều trị.

1.5. Mineral oil wax

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends using mineral oil wax throughout the day and at bedtime to moisturize, especially for dry and cracked lips that bleed.
Mineral oil waxes stay longer in water than other wax oils. Its other advantage is that it is cheap and easy to find online or in pharmacies. However, if the user has sunburnt lips, mineral oil wax is not an appropriate choice because according to the AAD, mineral oil wax will seal the heat vents due to burns.

2. What should be done to prevent excessive chapped lips?

Moisturizing is just one of the ways we can prevent excessive chapped lips. Here are some other ways to keep lips from drying out:
Don't lick your lips: Licking may seem like a good way to moisten lips when they're dry, but keep in mind that saliva evaporates very quickly. The act of licking lips will make dry lips worse; Add enough water: Drink plenty of water to keep your lips and body moist; Use a humidifier: If the air is too dry, we can use a humidifier in the house to add moisture to the air; Avoid irritating lip products: Many lip care products contain chemicals that can dry out your lips, so it's best to choose products that don't contain fragrances, dyes or alcohol; Protect lips: The weather is too cold or too hot, wind, sun all contribute to cracked lips bleeding. Protect your lips with a moisturizer or lip balm containing sunscreen before going outdoors; Breathe through your nose: The habit of breathing through your mouth can cause dry mouth and lips. Therefore, to limit dry lips, focus on breathing through your nose. Also, consult your doctor about sinus and allergy medications if you are someone who has frequent stuffy noses. Our lips have very little natural defense against many of the drying agents they normally face. With the prevention and help of the above home remedies for excessive chapped lips, we can completely keep our lips young and beautiful.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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