7 things to clean during cold and flu season

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The flu is a common illness that most people experience every year, especially during the cold season. This respiratory illness is caused by a virus and has the potential to spread rapidly in the community. Cleaning the house during flu season will reduce the risk of "small sickness", sneezing, runny nose, ... when flu outbreaks occur.

1. Water shut off valve

Dirty hands always touch the faucet lever in the kitchen and bathroom, from which cold and flu viruses can cling to this new surface. In addition, such humid areas are also "hot spots" for yeast, mold and bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli to survive and thrive. So when cleaning the house during the flu season, you should clean all the water shut off / open valves daily with an antiseptic spray or normal wipes.
Van khóa nước
Van khóa nước cần được làm sạch

2. Toothbrush

Research has suggested that toothbrushes can be one of the most germ-laden spots in your home. As a general rule, put all brushes in the dishwasher or wash them by hand with soap and hot water 1-2 times per week. If someone in your home is sick, keep their toothbrush away from everyone else's to prevent the flu from spreading. If you touch something with a cold or flu virus, and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes, you're more likely to become the next person to get sick.
Bàn chải đánh răng
Bàn chải đánh răng chưa nhiều vi trùng

3. Plastic toys

Children are eight times more likely to catch colds and minor illnesses each year. Those germs can easily spread to children's toys. Parents should clean toys periodically at the end of each month and as soon as they are dirtier than usual (like after a child gets sick). You can kill many bacteria and viruses on hard plastic toys by soaking them in soap and warm water. For a really clean cleaning, wipe down your child's toys with a mixture of 1 tablespoon bleach in 1 quart of water, then air dry.
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How to prevent and treat flu effectively

4. Touch screen

The screen of your phone, tablet or smartwatch is something you always swipe and tap anywhere, anytime. Viruses can easily transfer from screen glass to fingertips and vice versa, so cleaning these electronic devices is essential, especially during cold seasons and during flu outbreaks. You can buy a dedicated screen cleaning cloth, or follow the instructions on how to clean the screen of each device. In addition, can refer to devices that use ultraviolet light to disinfect electronics.
điện thoại
Người dùng nên làm sạch màn hình cảm ứng

5. Remote control remote control

The remote control may be one of those things that are easy and often touched, but it is the least cleaned and hardly appears on the to-do list when cleaning the flu season. In fact, cold and flu germs tend to live the longest on plastic and other hard surfaces. To clean the remote, first brush off debris and dust with a dry clean brush. Then use a cotton swab or cotton ball dipped in mild detergent (and wring it out almost dry) to disinfect the button surfaces and crevices. You can also use the same method as above to clean the computer keyboard.
Remote điều khiển từ xa
Remote điều khiển từ xa là vật dùng thường xuyên được mọi người chạm vào

6. Desk

The office is a hidden place for many different types of microorganisms. People come into contact with germs at home, on the bus, or when dropping their kids off at school, then bring the bacteria to work. Should regularly clean the working space in the company's office, especially during cold season and flu outbreak. These viruses can live on hard surfaces for up to 8 hours - about the length of a standard working day.

7. Hands

Hand washing is the most important thing of all. Even if you've cleaned everything around, washing your hands is still one of the most effective ways to prevent the flu, helping to reduce your chances of catching and spreading cold or flu viruses. It's important to wash your hands properly: Scrub your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before rinsing them under running water - don't forget the backs of your hands, between your fingers and underneath your fingernails. If you can't get to the sink and soap isn't available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Elderly people, children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to colds. This disease will cause fatigue, lethargy, reduce work and study efficiency... The above small changes in flu season cleaning habits will help you not only prevent the flu, but also gain strength. stay healthy during the cold season and especially during an outbreak of the flu.
Source: Symptoms.webmd.com
What to do when suspected influenza A/H1N1? Recommendations for prevention of seasonal flu by the Ministry of Health Why do influenza virus strains often change?

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