Did you know: Vitamin B group has 8 types?

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B vitamins are a group of eight essential nutrients that play roles in many organs and body systems. Although they can work together, they will perform their own unique functions. In this article, we explore the function of B vitamins in the body and the main sources of each nutrient.

1. What are B vitamins?

B vitamins are important for making sure the body's cells work properly. They help the body convert food into energy, make new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissues. B vitamins often occur together in the same foods. We can get enough B vitamins by eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods or by taking supplements. Deficiencies of the B vitamins can be caused by the body not getting enough vitamins from diet or supplements, or the body's inability to absorb nutrients properly due to certain health problems or medication use.

2. Thiamine (vitamin B-1)

The body needs thiamin to break down sugar molecules (carbohydrates) from foods to create certain neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), produce fatty acids, synthesize some hormones.
Thiamine is found in whole grains, fortified breads, cereals, pastas, rice, pork, salmon, squash, legumes. Thiamine deficiency is not common, however, some groups of people may not get enough thiamin such as alcoholics, the elderly, people with HIV or AIDS, people with diabetes.
Symptoms of thiamin deficiency include weight loss or lack of appetite, memory problems or confusion, cardiovascular problems, poor reflexes. Alcohol dependence can lead to thiamine deficiency. This can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) which can lead to tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, memory loss and confusion. WKS can lead to Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) and be life-threatening.
Vai trò của vitamin B đối với cơ thể
Vai trò của vitamin B đối với cơ thể

3. Riboflavin (vitamin B-2)

Riboflavin is needed for energy production, helps the body break down fats, drugs and steroid hormones, converts tryptophan to niacin (vitamin B-3), converts vitamin B-6 into coenzymes the body needs
Status Riboflavin deficiency is rare, but it can occur in people with endocrine disorders or other medical conditions. A lack of riboflavin can cause skin disorders, ulcers in the corners of the mouth and throat, hair loss, and red, itchy eyes. Lack of riboflavin during pregnancy may cause some increased risk of birth defects.
People at high risk of riboflavin deficiency are vegans or people who don't consume dairy products, athletes who don't eat meat, especially those who don't consume animal products other, pregnant or lactating women, especially those who do not eat meat or dairy products.

4. Niacin (vitamin B-3)

The body converts niacin into a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). NAD is an essential part of more than 400 different enzymatic reactions in the body, the highest of any vitamin-derived coenzyme. These enzymes help change the energy in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into a form the body can use, are necessary for the body's cellular metabolism, aid in cell-to-cell communication, and the expression presence of DNA in the cell.
Foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry and fish have high levels of NAD that the body can easily use. High levels of NAD are also found in plants such as nuts, beans, and whole grains that contain a natural form of niacin that the body cannot use as easily. However, manufacturers add niacin to foods like cereals, and this form can easily be used by the body.
Severe niacin deficiency leads to pellagra, which causes brown discoloration on skin exposed to sunlight, rough patches of skin, red tongue, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, headache, fatigue, irritability late. If pellagra is left untreated, it can lead to serious memory problems, behavioral changes, and possibly suicide. It can also lead to loss of appetite or death.
People at risk for niacin deficiency include people with malnutrition, anorexia nervosa, alcohol use disorders, AIDS, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Hartnup disease, carcinoid syndrome, which causes tumors to develop in the digestive tract
Tình trạng thiếu hụt riboflavin ít khi xảy ra nhưng nó có thể xảy ra ở người bị rối loạn nội tiết hoặc một số bệnh lý khác
Tình trạng thiếu hụt riboflavin ít khi xảy ra nhưng nó có thể xảy ra ở người bị rối loạn nội tiết hoặc một số bệnh lý khác

5.Pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5)

Pantothenic acid is needed by the body to make new coenzymes, proteins and fats. Red blood cells carry pantothenic acid throughout the body so that this nutrient can be used in a variety of energy-making and metabolic processes.
Many foods contain at least some pantothenic acid, but the highest amounts are found in beef liver, shiitake mushrooms, sunflower seeds, chicken, tuna, avocado, fortified breakfast cereals
Deficiency Pantothenic acid deficiency is rare because it is found in many foods. However, it can affect people who are severely malnourished. In such cases, they are often deficient in other nutrients. Symptoms of deficiency include numbness and burning of the hands and feet, headaches, irritability, restlessness and poor sleep, and loss of appetite.
People with a specific gene mutation called pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegenerative 2 mutation are at increased risk of developing a deficiency.

6. Vitamin B-6

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine plays a role in more than 100 enzymatic reactions. The body needs vitamin B6 to metabolize amino acids, break down carbohydrates and fats, brain development, immune function
Food sources rich in vitamin B6 include organ meats, chickpeas, tuna, salmon, and poultry. berries, potatoes, cereals.
Many vitamin B6 deficiencies are associated with low vitamin B-12 intake. Vitamin B-6 deficiency can cause anemia, scabs on the lips, cracked corners of the mouth, swollen tongue, weakened immune system, confusion, and depression.
People at risk for vitamin B6 deficiency include people with kidney disease, people who have had a kidney transplant, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol abuse.
Các nguồn thực phẩm giàu vitamin B6 bao gồm thịt nội tạng, đậu xanh, cá ngừ
Các nguồn thực phẩm giàu vitamin B6 bao gồm thịt nội tạng, đậu xanh, cá ngừ

7. Biotin (vitamin B-7)

Biotin is often seen as a supplement for hair, skin and nails. However, there is not enough evidence to conclude whether taking biotin supplements helps with hair, skin, or nails. Some people believe that biotin can help with psoriasis.
The human body needs vitamin B7 to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins for cell-to-cell communication in the body regulation of DNA. Many foods contain biotin today such as organ meats, salmon eggs, pork, beef, sunflower seeds.
Signs of biotin deficiency include thinning hair, scaly rash around eyes, nose and mouth, brittle nails, depression, fatigue. Deficiency is rare but the following groups may be at greater risk: people with a metabolic disorder called biotinidase deficiency, people with an alcohol use disorder pregnant or breastfeeding women. breastfeeding.

8.Folate (vitamin B-9)

The natural form of vitamin B-9 is called folate. Folic acid, found in fortified foods and some supplements, is a synthetic form of the vitamin. Because most people can't get enough leafy greens during pregnancy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all women of childbearing age who want to conceive should take a supplement. Take 400mcg of folic acid daily along with eating a varied diet that contains folate. When a woman has sufficiently high folate levels both before and during pregnancy, her unborn baby has a lower risk of certain birth defects affecting the brain and spinal cord.
FDA requires manufacturers to add folic acid to standard enriched grain products to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects. Folate occurs naturally in dark green leafy vegetables, beef liver, avocado, papaya, orange juice, eggs, beans, and nuts. Possible symptoms of folate deficiency may include headache, heart palpitations, irritability, sores on the tongue or in the mouth, and changes in skin, hair, or nails.
FDA recommends that women increase their folate intake and take folic acid supplements every day before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy. Other groups that may need extra folate include people with alcohol use disorders, celiac disease, conditions that interfere with nutrient absorption
People should not take more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid per day. Drinking more than this may mask symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency.
Folate tự nhiên xuất hiện trong rau lá xanh đậm, gan bò, trái bơ, đu đủ, nước cam, trứng, đậu, quả hạch
Folate tự nhiên xuất hiện trong rau lá xanh đậm, gan bò, trái bơ, đu đủ, nước cam, trứng, đậu, quả hạch

9. Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 contains the mineral cobalt and is sometimes called “cobalamin”. The body uses vitamin B-12 to make new red blood cells, DNA synthesis, brain and nerve function, fat and protein metabolism
Vitamin B-12 occurs naturally in animal products such as oysters, beef liver, salmon, beef, milk and yogurt. People who don't eat animal products may need to get vitamin B-12 from supplements or fortified foods like breakfast cereals and nutritional yeast.
Vitamin B-12 deficiency often causes a condition called giant cell anemia. Symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency can include fatigue, weight loss, constipation, loss of appetite, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, memory problems, depression
People with Risk factors for B-12 deficiency include people with conditions that interfere with nutrient absorption, the elderly, people with celiac disease, Crohn's disease, people who have had gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery. Vegetarians, vegans, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding may also need extra vitamin B-12.
Each of the B vitamins has unique functions, but they depend on each other for proper absorption and best health benefits. Eating a healthy, varied diet will usually provide all the B vitamins your body needs. We can treat and prevent vitamin B deficiency by enhancing our diet with vitamin-rich foods or taking vitamin supplements. Check with your doctor before taking any supplements to be sure they won't interact with medications.
Although the vitamin B groups have many roles in the development of the body, before using you should consult a professional doctor instead of taking it yourself.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a reputable and quality medical facility that you can trust to visit when you have any health problems or need more advice on nutrition. With a team of highly qualified doctors and modern equipment and facilities, customers will have the best experience from service to examination and treatment.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Source: medicalnewstoday.com - betterhealth.vic.gov.au - hsph.harvard.edu
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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