How does eating cold food harm teeth?

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Eating cold foods with tooth sensitivity is a condition that many people encounter and this directly affects their daily eating. So how does eating cold food harm teeth and what should be done to overcome this problem?

1. How does eating cold food harm teeth?

When exposed to foods that are too hot or too cold, they can cause tooth sensitivity and this phenomenon usually occurs suddenly in a short time and then disappears after no longer contact with food.
Tooth sensitivity when eating cold food is a warning sign of oral diseases such as gingivitis, tooth decay, periodontitis. The cause of these diseases is mostly due to improper oral care and if not improved in time, it will lead to tooth sensitivity or other diseases that will become more and more serious. Some harmful effects of eating cold foods include:
Broken teeth or worn enamel surface Teeth with severe trauma can expose the dentin. The inside of the dentinal tubules contains nerve endings, so when the dentin is exposed to external factors, it can cause especially discomfort and sensitivity when exposed to cold foods.
Teeth receding When the gum tissue has been damaged by diseases and recedes, the dentin at the root of the tooth can be exposed. It is favorable conditions for acids in saliva and food to gradually erode tooth enamel.
Cavities When the patient's oral hygiene is not clean, it can create conditions for bacteria to eat away, leading to many cavities on the surface. At that time, teeth easily become sensitive, especially when eating cold, hot or sour foods.
In addition, if the deep hole is not detected to clean and re-fill in time, the bacteria will attack deeper into the pulp area, causing inflammation of the pulp.
Gingivitis, periodontitis Gingivitis or chronic periodontitis is also a cause of toothache when eating cold food. The disease may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, bleeding gums, ...

2. How to overcome tooth sensitivity?

Depending on the different extent of gum damage, the doctor will decide on a flexible treatment method to ensure maximum treatment results. Tooth sensitivity when eating cold food needs to be treated according to the cause thoroughly before the tooth sensitivity stops.
Treatment of enamel erosion With less wear of enamel, it is possible to remineralize or re-fill the lost enamel with filling materials. However, if the tooth is seriously damaged, it is necessary to treat the pulp and crown with cosmetic porcelain.
Treatment of teeth with pulpitis The doctor will clean the decayed tissue and make a filling or porcelain crown to protect the outside of the damaged tooth. This helps minimize the attack of bacteria and helps maintain long-term tooth health.
Gingivitis, periodontitis For the group of gum and periodontal diseases, the method of dental treatment is to use medicine in mild cases. However, when the patient has reached the advanced stage, gum graft surgery or soft tissue transplant is required to restore healthy gum tissue.

3. How to prevent tooth sensitivity effectively

To avoid toothache when eating cold food, proper oral care is also an effective way to both improve oral problems and prevent many oral diseases that cause tooth sensitivity:
Brush less at least twice daily in the evening before going to bed and after waking up in the morning. Brush with gentle force to avoid wearing away enamel and damaging gum tissue. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and change it every 3 months. Incorporate more flossing instead of toothpicks to clean plaque more effectively and avoid damaging teeth and gums. Regular dental check-ups every 6 months or as soon as there are abnormal oral symptoms so that the doctor can detect and treat promptly. Here are the causes of tooth sensitivity. Therefore, to limit this situation, you should change your diet and take care of your teeth. In case the toothache persists, you should go to the medical facility to be checked for appropriate indications.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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