The reasons why you have "fog in the brain" syndrome

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"Brain fog" is not a specific disease, but a term for certain symptoms that affect your ability to think. You may feel confused, confused, or have trouble concentrating or putting your thoughts into words. Here are some reasons why you may experience brain fog.

1. Pregnancy

Many women find it harder to remember things during pregnancy. Carrying a fetus in your body can change your body a lot. In particular, substances secreted to protect and nourish the fetus can cause memory problems for the mother.

2. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

This disease affects the central nervous system and can change the way the brain communicates with the body. About half of people with multiple sclerosis have problems with memory, attention, planning, or language. Doctors can guide patients to perform rehabilitation exercises to help maintain learning and memory, and methods of handling daily tasks to help them overcome obstacles of mental fog. Brain .

3. Effects of drugs and chemicals

Certain medications - both over-the-counter and prescription - can cause brain fog. If during the course of taking the medicine, you notice that your thoughts are not as clear as usual or suddenly cannot remember many things, tell your doctor so that they can be corrected. In addition, if the body is sensitive to certain chemicals (both natural and man-made), you can also be affected and suffer from brain fog syndrome.
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Một số loại thuốc có thể gây hội chứng sương mù não cho người sử dụng

4. Cancer and cancer treatment

Chemotherapy - the use of powerful drugs - can affect the brain. As a result, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy may have difficulty remembering details such as names or dates, have difficulty performing multiple tasks at once, or are slow to complete tasks. Brain problems during cancer treatment usually pass fairly quickly, but some people may also be affected long after treatment. Cancer itself can also cause brain fog, especially when the tumor has already affected the brain.
Watch now: Decoding Brain Fog Syndrome after COVID-19?

5. Menopause

Women can have a hard time learning or remembering things when it comes to menopause. This period occurs about a year after their last period, usually around the age of 50. In addition to brain fog, menopausal women may also experience hot flashes (sweating, increased heart rate and body temperature). and other changes. Your doctor may prescribe some hormonal or other medications to control uncomfortable symptoms.

6. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you encounter this condition, your body and mind will be tired for a long time. You may feel confused, forgetful, and unable to concentrate. There is no specific cure for chronic fatigue, but patients can be counseled with appropriate medication, exercise, and psychotherapy to improve their health.

7. Depression

You may not remember things well or think through problems easily when you are depressed. Experts don't know if this symptom is related to the loss of energy and motivation caused by depression; or depression affects the brain and causes "fog syndrome". Treating your depression with medication and psychotherapy will help you get back to a normal life.
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Hội chứng sương mù não và trầm cảm có mối liên quan đến nhau

8. Sleeping too much or too little

The brain needs sleep to function properly, but sleeping too much can also make you feel mentally foggy. The ideal sleep lasts from 7 to 9 hours. To ensure quality sleep, you should not drink caffeine and alcohol after lunch and right before going to bed, and keep computers and smartphones out of the bedroom; Maintain going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. If you are experiencing sleep problems such as sleep apnea, insomnia, or narcolepsy, let your doctor know if you also have brain fog if you have this problem.

9. Lupus disease

This chronic disease causes your immune system to attack your own body. About half of people with lupus have memory problems, confusion, or trouble concentrating. Although there is no cure, medication and other methods prescribed by your doctor can improve memory.

"Brain fog" is not a specific disease, but has symptoms that affect your ability to think and memory, which can upset your daily activities and quality of life . Understanding the causes of brain fog can help patients monitor their progress and get treatment to recover soon.
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