Lack of nutrients makes you tired

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Deficiency or undernutrition belongs to the group of malnutrition problems, usually resulting from a lack of nutrients, poor absorption and metabolism of nutrients, or an increased need for nutrients by the body compared to normal. often. With a lack of nutrients, a variety of problems can occur, including fatigue and exhaustion.

1. Undernutrition is associated with what dietary status?

Most of the causes of the body's lack of nutrients come from the daily diet. In particular, some of the following types of nutrition are often assessed as deficient in nutrients.
1.1. Long-term fasting Vegetarianism is often divided into two types:
Vegetarianism with the permission of milk and eggs in meals: this diet has a good compatibility with health, but can cause iron deficiency, photo negatively affect the process of hematopoiesis as well as the quality of red blood cells of the body. Vegan (completely eliminating foods of animal origin): This diet causes a deficiency of B vitamins, especially vitamin B12. In addition, vegetarian diets also tend to be low in calcium, zinc, and iron. Vegetarian diet only uses fruit: this is a very low-quality diet that is not recommended because it lacks a large nutrient group, which is protein, and also prevents the body from absorbing sodium and micronutrients. other. 1.2. Unhealthy diets Some types of diets with defined goals (such as weight loss or weight gain) have an unscientific arrangement of nutrients, causing the body to not be able to load protein, vitamins and minerals. important substance. Diets lacking this substance cause the body to have problems with cardiovascular and kidney disorders as well as nutrient metabolism, and even cause death.
According to nutritionists, a low-calorie diet with less than 400 kcal per day will make health decline without stopping if applied for a long time.
1.3. Using drugs, nutritional supplements, alcohol This is a common method used to supplement nutrients that the body is lacking. However, they have the potential to cause deficiency in a number of ways:
Some medications suppress appetite and cause satiety, making you eat less. Certain types of supplements may impair nutrient absorption/metabolism. Alcohol has the ability to interfere with nutrient absorption and metabolism.
ăn uống thiếu chất
Một số loại thuốc có thể gây tình trạng ăn uống thiếu chất do bạn ăn ít hơn

2. Common signs that you are lacking in substance

2.1. Fatigue is a lack of what substance? In this case, you will have frequent signs of fatigue and stress, easily catch colds, lack or lose sleep ... Prolonged exhaustion can be the result of a deficiency of certain vitamins, especially vitamin D. Some groups of substances also involved in this expression are proteins, minerals magnesium, iron, vitamins C and E...
According to the explanation from scientists, in order to be active, The human body always needs an energy source. At that time, vitamins and minerals will be the catalysts in the process of creating energy, while proteins will release the necessary energy.
Therefore, the body's signs of fatigue are typical when you are lacking in one or all of the above groups of substances.
Besides, fatigue is also likely to be the result of a lack of nutrients with a calorie source that provides less than 1000 calories / day. Consuming too few calories will slow your metabolism, leading to rapid burnout.
2.2. Constantly hungry, craving for food This is a very clear sign when the body is not fully nutritious. According to many studies, appetite tends to increase due to changes in the concentration of hormones that control hunger - fullness. When you limit your calorie intake, your body will signal hunger and cravings, requiring you to add extra calories for activities.
2.3. Hair loss and dryness is a sign of iron deficiency. Every day, whether men or women will lose a few hairs. However, when the amount of hair loss increases uncontrollably, this is a sign that the body lacks protein and iron.
To ensure healthy hair and normal growth, you should add protein, biotin, iron as well as other essential minerals through your diet.
Tóc gãy rụng và khô xơ là một trong các dấu hiệu của tình trạng ăn uống thiếu chất
Tóc gãy rụng và khô xơ là một trong các dấu hiệu của tình trạng ăn uống thiếu chất
2.4. Chapped, flaky lips Dry lips signal that your body is significantly deficient in vitamin A. Vitamin A plays many important roles in the growth of tissues/cells on the inside and the surface of the body.
Acne / redness is also a sign of a lack of nutrients
When you regularly consume processed foods / alcohol / alcohol, there is a high chance that your body is deficient in zinc - a minerals important for gut health and the immune system. The result of this problem is negative effects related to the external skin through acne, redness... In addition, you are also more susceptible to infections.
It can be said that a lack of nutrients not only causes fatigue but also has many negative effects on health. Therefore, you need to follow a daily nutrition regimen that ensures enough essential nutritional groups for health.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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