How to cook duck meat with chao

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Duck cooked with chao is a favorite dish of many people on cold days, when on the table there is a pot of hot, delicious, tender duck with a rich, rich broth. blended with fatty, spicy sauce, extremely stimulating the taste. The way to eat is like hot pot dishes, this dish is served with fresh noodles and vegetables, very suitable for family meals or friends gathering.
The following article will share how to make the most delicious duck meat dish

1. Duck meat ingredients

Duck meat: 1 chicken (about 1.5kg) Chamomile soup: 10 tablespoons (10 balls) Taro wax: 0.5kg Coconut water: 0.5 liters Vermicelli Served with water spinach, spinach Onions: 1 purple onion Green onion Garlic Chili Ginger White wine A little lime juice Seasoning: sugar, seasoning, salt

2. How to make duck meat with chao

Step 1: Prepare ingredients:
Red onion, garlic: peel, wash and mince. Chilli: washed, chopped. Water spinach: pick up, take the young part, wash it. Spinach: pick it up, wash it and dry it. Ginger: peeled, washed, half chopped, half smashed. Duck: clean, rinse with a little white wine, salt and crushed ginger to eliminate odors, drain and cut into bite-sized pieces. Green onions: clean and cut into small pieces. Taro: peeled, washed, cut into bite-sized pieces. Step 2: Marinate duck meat
Put duck in a large bowl and marinate with minced shallot, garlic, chili, ginger, half each. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 8 tablespoons of chamomile, mix well and marinate for about 1 hour for the duck meat to absorb the spices.
Step 3: Cook marinated duck
Put a little oil in a large pot and put on the stove, fry the remaining red onion, garlic, ginger, and chili until fragrant. Pay attention to leave some chili garlic to use as a dipping sauce. Put the marinated duck meat mixture in, stir until the duck meat is hunted, then immediately add 1 liter of cold water and 0.5 liters of coconut water into the pot, cook with high heat until boiling, then turn down the heat. Then cook for about 30 minutes, paying attention to skimming.
Cách nấu thịt vịt nấu chao không quá phức tạp như nhiều người vẫn nghĩ
Cách nấu thịt vịt nấu chao không quá phức tạp như nhiều người vẫn nghĩ
Step 4: Fry taro
Put oil in a non-stick pan and put it on the stove, fry the pre-cooked taro until slightly golden, then take it out and drain the oil. The frying of taro helps the potatoes to cook faster and the duck dish to be more fragrant. Step 5: Add taro to cook with duck
Add pre-fried taro and cook with duck. Add sugar, seasoning, fish sauce to taste.
Cook until the potatoes are soft, season to taste, then turn off the heat and add finely chopped scallions.
Step 6: Make the chao dipping sauce and enjoy
Take 2 tablespoons of the chao in a cup, add 1/2 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, puree the chao, then add some minced garlic and chili, Just mouth tasting.
So the duck is done, now enjoy!
Enjoy duck with chao
Duck with chao after cooking will be eaten as a hot pot dish. The duck meat is soft and absorbent, the broth is fragrant with a very delicious greasy smell. Put some fresh vermicelli in a bowl, then add vegetables and broth, mix well and enjoy. What are you waiting for, let's not immediately save the delicious and rich way to cook duck that Eurasian Chef Training has shared.
Clean the duck with salt, ginger and white wine thoroughly so that the dish does not have a bad smell. Should fry the taro before cooking with duck, so that the dish has a more attractive aroma. Using chao mon to make the dish more greasy and rich in flavor.

3. Cooked duck should eat with what?

This fried duck dish is more suitable with vermicelli than rice. However, you can eat this dish with your family's regular meals if you want. The best vegetables served with duck cooked with chao are morning glory and spinach. However, you can use other vegetables according to personal preference.

4. How to choose delicious duck

When making duck, you should choose Siamese duck or grass duck (more meat, less fat), do not choose meat-raising duck because it is usually soft and fatty. When buying a live duck, remember to put your hand on the breast, if the breast is full, the duck looks healthy, not moody, buy it. With ready-made duck, pay attention to the outer skin, which one has yellow skin and full breast is a delicious duck. Duck cooked with chao is a dish with yin and yang harmony, according to which, duck meat has welding properties, how to cook duck with chao in combination with hot spices such as ginger, garlic, and white wine in a harmonious way, not only helps The food tastes better, but it's also very healthy.
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