Is chicken meat nutritious?

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Evil chicken has long been used as a food to nourish the sick, sick or as medicine to cure diseases in Traditional Medicine. So what is the effect of evil chicken, is it nutritious to eat evil chicken?

Evil chicken, also known as five-clawed chicken, lead-legged chicken, black chicken... is a breed of chicken with a relatively small size and weight (about 1kg), belonging to the pheasant family. Called an evil chicken because from the skin to the meat, the bones and internal organs of the chicken are all black. Evil chickens have black legs and have 5 toes, so they are also called lead-legged chickens and five-clawed chickens. However, the point that distinguishes the evil chicken from the bamboo chicken or the black chicken breed is that the feathers of the evil chicken are white.

1. Is chicken meat nutritious?

Compared with regular chicken, chicken meat both tastes better and provides more nutrients, including vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, vitamin E, ...), minerals ( potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, ...), amino acids (lysine, leucine, arginine, isoleucine, threonine, phenylalanine, methionine, histidine). In addition, chicken meat is rich in protein and less lipid.
Specifically, the nutritional content in 100g of chicken meat includes:
Protein: 22.3g (chicken usually provides 18 - 20g) Lipid: 2.3g (chicken usually provides from 7.5 - 20g) 10.5g) Other minerals: 210mg phosphorus, 2.4mg iron, 17mg calcium, ... With the above nutritional content, it can be seen that chicken meat is a food rich in nutritional value.

2. What is the effect of chicken meat?

Not only nutritious, chicken meat is also considered a precious medicine in Traditional Medicine with the following uses:
Tonify liver and kidney, reduce the possibility of kidney failure, improve lungs Enhance blood circulation, restore health health, reduce anemia Helps relieve pain, sedation, back pain, weakness and fatigue in limbs, heat in bones Night sweats, hemostasis Reduces blood sugar in people with diabetes Men with spermatozoa, sperm , women have a lot of vaginal discharge, irregular periods
Thịt gà ác
Thịt gà ác đem lại nhiều giá trị dinh dưỡng cho người dùng

3. Dishes from evil chicken are good for health

With the above nutritional value and health benefits, chicken meat is both a food to nourish and a special remedy for a number of diseases. Newly sick people, the elderly, children with rickets, pregnant women and new-borns are advised to eat chicken meat to circulate blood and quickly restore health.
Chicken meat is often processed with herbs and other foods to enhance the effect and enhance the taste of the dish. Here are some popular remedies from evil chicken:
Evil chicken stew with cordyceps, nostalgia: For people who are debilitated, sick, thin, with the use of strengthening bones and strengthening bones. tonic gas. Evil chicken porridge, lotus seeds, poor food: For women who have a lot of bad breath, men with sperm, with the use of trying to improve only the region, tonify the spleen and kidneys. Chicken stew with astragalus: For women with dysmenorrhea with the use of menstrual regulation, blood tonic (used before menstruation). Steamed chicken with three ventricles, wine: For people with broken bones with the use of strengthening tendons and bones, nourishing blood and gas. Steamed chicken with dong quai, shu loc, tri ma, bai thuoc , ge moi : for women with menstrual disorders with the use of regulating menstruation, tonic blood and qi. Chicken meat is not only nutritious but also a special oriental medicine to treat many diseases, to help strengthen health and the immune system.
Once you have a clear understanding of the uses of evil chicken, you can begin to prepare dishes from evil chicken to help improve health.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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