Sugarcane juice good or bad for diabetes?

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Sugarcane juice is a sugary sweetened beverage commonly consumed in parts of India, Africa and Asia. Sugarcane juice is being marketed as an all-natural drink with numerous health benefits. According to traditional medicine, sugarcane juice is used to treat liver, kidney and other diseases. You may be surprised to learn that some people believe sugarcane juice can be helpful for diabetes. Let's find out in the following article.

1. What is sugarcane juice?

Sugarcane juice is sweet, syrupy, pressed from peeled sugarcane. It is often sold by street vendors, who mix it with lemon or other juices and add ice to make a delicious drink.
Sugarcane juice is processed to make cane sugar, brown sugar, molasses and jaggery. Sugarcane can also be used to make rum. In Brazil, sugarcane juice can be fermented and used to make a wine called Cachaça.
Sugarcane juice is not pure sugar. The nutritional composition of sugarcane juice consists of about 70-75% water, about 10-15% fiber and 13-15% sugar in the form of sucrose - just like table sugar. In fact, sugarcane is the main source of most of the table sugar in the world.
In its unprocessed form, sugarcane juice is also known to be a rich source of phenolic and flavonoid antioxidants. The antioxidants found in sugarcane juice are the main reason some people claim it's healthy.
Because sugarcane juice is not processed like most other sugary drinks, sugarcane juice still retains its nutritional composition including quite rich vitamin and mineral content. Sugarcane juice also contains electrolytes, such as potassium, so it has been studied for its moisturizing effects. In a study in 15 cyclists given sugarcane juice, it was found that sugarcane juice was shown to be as effective as a sports drink in improving exercise performance. education and rehydration.
However, sugarcane juice increases the blood sugar levels of athletes during exercise. The benefits of sugarcane juice are mainly related to the carb content as well as the ability of substances in sugarcane juice to help restore energy stores in your muscles after performing exercises.
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2. Sugar content in sugarcane juice

Despite providing some nutrients, sugarcane juice is still high in sugar and carbs. In 240 mL of sugarcane juice will contain the following ingredients:
Calories: 183. Protein: 0 grams. Fat: 0 grams. Sugar: 50 grams - equivalent to 12 teaspoons. Fiber: 0-13 grams. The sugar content in 240mL of sugarcane juice is 50 grams - equivalent to 12 teaspoons, significantly more than the total daily sugar recommended by the American Heart Association respectively for men (9 teaspoons). and women (6 teaspoons).
Sugarcane juice depending on the type has different amounts of fiber. Some products have no or very little, while others, including Sugarcane Island's raw cane juice, have up to 13 grams per cup (240 mL).
However, it's better to get your fiber from plant foods rather than sweetened beverages. If you want to opt for a fiber-based beverage, it's best to choose a powdered fiber supplement that's unsweetened and mixed with water.
Sugar, a carb that your body breaks down into glucose. Certain high-carb foods and drinks can raise your blood sugar excessively, especially if you have or are at risk for diabetes. Therefore, people with diabetes should consider the amount of added sugar in their diet carefully.
Although sugarcane juice is classified as a low glycemic index (GI) beverage, it is still high in glycemic index (GL) - meaning it has a definite impact on your blood sugar levels.
While the glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food or drink raises blood sugar, glycemic index (GL) helps measure how much total blood sugar rises. Thus, glycemic index (GL) provides a more accurate picture of the impact of sugarcane juice on blood sugar.

3. Should diabetics be advised to use sugarcane juice?

Diabetics drink sugarcane juice, should or not? Like other sugary drinks, sugarcane juice is a good choice if you have diabetes. However, the "huge" amount of sugar contained in sugarcane juice can dangerously increase the body's blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should avoid this drink completely to limit the negative effects it can bring to the body.
Test-tube studies on sugarcane extract show that sugarcane juice's polyphenol antioxidants can help pancreatic cells produce more insulin - the hormone that regulates the body's blood sugar levels. However, these studies are preliminary and are not safe for people with diabetes. If you still prefer a sweet drink, you can use fresh fruit to create a natural sweetness.
Sugarcane juice is an unrefined drink extracted from the sugarcane plant. While it provides a healthy dose of antioxidants, it's loaded with sugar, making it a bad choice for people with diabetes. Instead of sugarcane juice, choose unsweetened coffee, tea or fruit juice. These drinks can still be mildly sweet without having a negative effect on your blood sugar levels.
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4. Some other benefits of sugarcane juice

4.1. Instant energy boost Drinking sugarcane juice is good for health. The reason is because the natural source of sucrose in sugarcane provides your body with energy to start the day and normalizes the release of glucose in the body to regain lost sugar. It is also the best choice to rehydrate the body and dispel fatigue.
4.2. Diuretic The diuretic property of sugarcane juice makes it a useful tool to repel infections. Drinking sugarcane juice will help prevent urinary tract infections, especially when you have a burning sensation while urinating. It also prevents kidney stones.
Expert advice: The best way to drink sugarcane juice is to add 1 tablespoon of lime juice, ginger juice, and grated coconut (1/3 cup) to 2/3 cup of sugarcane juice. This formula will help excrete urine freely and maintain good kidney function.
4.3. Fight tooth decay and bad breath Sugarcane juice contains many minerals such as calcium and phosphorus that work to strengthen tooth enamel and fight tooth decay. The large amount of nutrients in sugarcane juice helps to combat bad breath that can occur due to nutrient deficiencies.
4.4. Overcoming Jaundice According to Ayurveda, sugarcane juice is a solution to boost your liver health and a proven remedy for treating jaundice. The antioxidants in sugarcane juice protect the liver against infections and keep bilirubin levels under control. Sugarcane juice replenishes your body with lost protein and essential nutrients for quick recovery from any kind of illness.
4.5. Improves Digestion Drinking sugarcane juice helps maintain a good digestive system. As an ingredient in potassium, it helps keep the digestive system working properly, prevents stomach infections and is very helpful in treating constipation.
4.6. Cure Fever Disorders Sugarcane juice has been shown to be of great benefit to those struggling with a febrile disorder. In the case of a febrile disorder, the person has a fever which leads to convulsions and loss of protein in the body. This condition is common in infants and children. Sugarcane juice helps to replenish lost protein and aid in recovery.
4.7. Skin Care
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Nước mía có thể giúp bạn cải thiện vết thâm và mụn trứng cá.
One of the surprising benefits of sugarcane juice is that its ingredients work to fight acne, fade dark spots, slow down the aging process, and keep the skin soft. Alpha hydroxy acids are said to have amazing benefits for skin health. One of the most prominent alpha hydroxy acids is the glycolic acid in sugar cane that can help maintain skin's radiance.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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