Signs of urinary tract infection in children

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Phan Phi Tuan - Dean and Doctor Nguyen Xuan Tinh - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.

Urinary tract infection in children is a disease that often has causes such as obstruction of the urinary tract due to malformation or congenital bladder-ureteral reflux, foreskin stenosis, congenital urethral stricture. Therefore, early detection and aggressive treatment of both urinary tract infections and their causes are essential to avoid developing acute pyelonephritis.

1. Risk factors for urinary tract infections in children

Structural abnormalities of the urinary tract (eg, posterior urethral valve). Congenital anomalies of the urinary tract such as vesicoureteral reflux (abnormal backflow of urine from the bladder up the ureters and into the kidneys) and posterior urethral valves. Boys are not circumcised. Urethral stricture. Other causes: constipation, poor genital hygiene, prolonged catheterization or a family history of urinary tract infections. In addition, there are some other causes such as: short urethra in girls, ureteral stones, etc.
Hẹp bao quy đầu
Hẹp bao quy đầu ở trẻ nhỏ có thể gây nhiễm khuẩn đường tiết niệu

2. Clinical signs

Symptoms of UTIs in children over 3 years old are often similar to those of adults with symptoms of acute cystitis syndrome: painful urination, painful urination, urinary frequency. In addition, the baby may have symptoms of urinary incontinence, bed-wetting, fatigue, anorexia, fever....
Children or newborns have very discreet symptoms because the patient does not know how to show symptoms, Keeping track of your baby's urination is also difficult. Pediatric patients only had indirect signs such as fever, restlessness, irritability, and fussiness. The younger the child, the more severe the illness may be due to sepsis (bacteria that enter the bloodstream and spread quickly throughout the body).

3. Subclinical signs

Kass criterion is still applicable to urinary tract infections in children, however, the problem of obtaining urine culture is relatively difficult because the pediatric patient does not know how to coordinate.
Urine must be collected while the baby is urinating. To make sure the urine sample is not contaminated with foreign bacteria, you must collect the urine midstream, meaning that after cleaning the urinary tract and letting the baby urinate, you must discard the original urine (ie. discard the first part of the stream), collect only the later urine and must stop before the baby has finished urinating (i.e. do not collect the final urine).

Nước tiểu giữa dòng
Nước tiểu giữa dòng được sử dụng làm xét nghiệm
If your baby is unable to collect urine midstream, the doctor may have to collect a urine sample by inserting a small tube into the bladder through the urethra (intubation) or inserting a fine needle into the bladder through the abdominal wall.
In addition, to determine the pathological cause of urinary tract infections in children, more tests should be done:
Ultrasonography of the urinary system. X-ray of bladder and urethra when urinating. CT or MRI of the urinary system as needed. Urodynamic testing to assess bladder function.
tác dụng siêu âm ổ bụng
Siêu âm hệ tiết niệu giúp chẩn đoán bệnh

4. Treatment of urinary tract infections in children

In children, urinary tract infections must be treated with antibiotics without delay to preserve kidney development. Antibiotics must be used with less toxicity in children and in the correct dose. Urine must be sent for culture before starting treatment to identify the causative organism and select the appropriate antibiotic. A child should be hospitalized and given intravenous antibiotics if they have a high fever, vomiting, severe back pain, and are unable to take medication. Oral antibiotics can be given to children over 3 to 6 months of age who can take them. It is important that the child take the full dose of the antibiotic prescribed, even if the child has no symptoms of a urinary tract infection.
Trẻ uống thuốc, thuốc trẻ nhỏ,
Đối với một số trẻ có thể dùng thuốc điều trị

5. Prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections in children

If the child has had a UTI once, there is a risk of recurrent UTI, especially in girls, in which attention should be paid to thoroughly treating the cause of the UTI. Here are some simple guidelines to help you prevent UTIs in your child:
Teach girls to wash from front to back after using the toilet. Encourage your child to drink enough water. Encourage your child to go to the toilet regularly. Constipation prevention. Take a warm bath. Wear comfortable clothes. Drink lots of cool fruit juices. Urinary tract infections in children are not a big concern. However, if a child has this form of infection for a long time, the kidneys can be affected and many other serious health problems arise. So, if your baby is found to have the above symptoms, you should take your baby to a doctor to avoid negative effects later.
Khám nhi Vinmec Times City
Cha mẹ nên đưa trẻ đến gặp bác sĩ để được tư vấn và điều trị

Vinmec International General Hospital currently offers a Urology - Stone Screening Package for all customers who need screening tests to detect urinary diseases early. Customers participating in the examination package will enjoy many benefits such as:
Being examined and consulted by urologists. Perform diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound services. Early detection of urinary diseases, stones and timely treatment advice. Customers wishing to be examined at Vinmec hospital can register for examination at Vinmec Hospital and Clinic system nationwide HERE.
Urinary tract infections in children How to treat urinary tract infections in children Sepsis from urinary tract infections: Causes, symptoms
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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