Uses and doses of the drug Vastarel (trimetazidine)

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Trimetazidine is an angina medication sold under the well-known brand name Vastarel MR. In addition, Vastarel MR has several other uses proven by clinical trials.

1. What are the effects of Vastarel MR?

Anti-angina (anti-myocardial ischemia). Vastarel MR (Trimetazidine) improves myocardial glucose utilization through inhibition of long-chain 3-ketoacyl CoA thiolase activity, resulting in decreased fatty acid oxidation and stimulation of glucose oxidation. The promotion of glucose oxidation will help optimize cellular energy processes, thus maintaining proper energy metabolism during myocardial ischemia. Increases coronary blood flow, reduces the frequency of angina attacks, reduces blood pressure fluctuations, does not cause arrhythmias, so it is used to prevent angina attacks.
Đau đầu khi bị zona ở mắt
Thuốc Vastarel còn được dùng để hỗ trợ điều trị chứng chóng mặt

Vastarel is not the first-line treatment for angina, especially unstable angina, after an acute myocardial infarction. It is necessary to use together with nitrate drugs (Nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate ...), can reduce the dose of these drugs, thereby reducing the side effects of nitrate drugs Immunomodulatory and anticancer: In cells In cancer cells, inhibition of fatty acid oxidation (FAO) alters metabolic processes essential for tumor cell function and proliferation, thereby inducing apoptosis of these cells. tumor cells. In addition, vastarel has the ability to suppress the proliferation of malignant cells. In addition, the drug is also used to support the treatment of vision disorders, dizziness, tinnitus related to blood vessel problems, treatment of blood vessel damage in the retina.

2. Indications and contraindications of Vastarel

Indications of Vastarel:
Prophylaxis, supportive treatment in patients with angina pectoris, used after stable acute myocardial infarction Vertigo due to vasomotor causes of vision loss Ophthalmology: Damage to blood vessels in the retina Contraindications to Vastarel:
Hypersensitivity to Trimetazidine is a contraindication. Parkinson's patients Severe renal failure (Clcr < 30ml/min). Pregnant women , breastfeeding Children

3. Undesirable effects of Vasstarel

In each specific case, using Vastarel has caused unwanted effects including:
Dizziness Low blood pressure when changing position Allergic skin reactions, swelling of lips and eyes, skin redness, rash Disorders Sleep Digestive disorders : Diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, constipation, nausea, vomiting Hepatitis Headache
Đau đầu ù tai chóng mặt
Người dùng có thẻ gặp tình trạng đau đầu sau khi sử dụng thuốc Vastarel

4. Vasarel (trimetazidine) dosage

For angina For 20mg tablets: Take 1 tablet/time, 3 times a day with meals. MR 35mg delayed-release tablets: Take 2 tablets/day in the morning and evening 12 hours apart. The following can be reduced to: 2 times a day, 20mg each time. For eye and ear department: 2-3 tablets (20mg) or 40-60 drops 2-3 times a day with meals.
For anti-cancer effects that are being tested in clinical trials, prescribed by oncologists

5. Notes when using drugs

Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking, medications with a history of allergies, pre-existing medical conditions and current health conditions (eg pregnancy, upcoming surgery, ...). Discontinue medication as directed by physician if no response to treatment after 3 months of benefit assessment Be cautious in patients with moderate kidney problems and those over 75 years of age Do not drive or use machines Heavy hook When overdosing or experiencing undesirable effects of the drug should notify the doctor or immediately go to the nearest medical facility for appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Thuốc vastarel
Người bệnh cần dùng vastarel theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị

Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.

See more:
Did you understand correctly about angina? Identify the difference of angina attacks of each type of disease Angina - typical warning signs of coronary heart disease
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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