Uses of Amotrokas 1g

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Amotrokas medicine 1g has the main active ingredient Amoxicillin in the form of Amoxicillin trihydrate and Clavulanic acid in the form of potassium Clavulanate. This is an antibiotic with anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects. This drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, suitable for direct oral administration.

1. What is Amotrokas 1g?

What is Amotrokas 1g drug? Amotrokas medicine 1g has the main active ingredient Amoxicillin in the form of Amoxicillin trihydrate and Clavulanic acid in the form of potassium Clavulanate. This is an antibiotic with anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects. This drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, suitable for direct oral administration.
1.1. About the active ingredient Amoxicillin Pharmacodynamics of the active ingredient: Amoxicilline is an antibiotic belonging to the Aminopenicillin group - an antibiotic with a broad antibacterial spectrum.
Pharmacokinetics of the active ingredient:
Absorption: Amoxicillin is stable in the acidic gastric juice. Absorption is not affected by food and is more rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract than ampicillin. Distribution: Active ingredient Amoxicillin distributes rapidly into most body fluids, except brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid, but when the meninges are inflamed, the antibiotic Amoxicillin diffuses easily. After taking a therapeutic dose of 250mg Amoxicillin in 1 to 2 hours, the concentration of Amoxicillin in the blood reached about 4-5 mcg/ml, when taking 500mg, the concentration of Amoxicillin reached 8-10 mcg/ml. Elimination: Approximately 60% of an oral dose of Amoxicillin is excreted unchanged in the urine within 6 to 8 hours. The half-life of Amoxicillin averages about 1 hour and is prolonged in neonates and the elderly. In patients with renal impairment, the half-life of Amoxicillin is approximately 7 to 20 hours. Amoxicillin antibiotic is aminopenicillin, stable in acid environment, has a broader spectrum of action than benzylpenicillin, especially effective against gram-negative bacilli. Similar to other penicillins, the antibiotic Amoxicillin has a bactericidal effect, due to inhibition of the biosynthesis of mucopeptides of the bacterial cell wall. Amoxicillin antibiotic is active against most gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria specifically: streptococcus, non-penicillinase-producing staphylococci, H. influenzae, N.gonorrhoeae, E.coli, Diplococcus pneumoniae and proteus mirabilis. Amoxicillin is not active against penicillinase-producing bacteria, especially methicillin-resistant staphylococci, all strains of Pseudomonas and most strains of Klebsiella and Enterobacter. 1.2. About active ingredients Clavulanic acid Pharmacodynamics of the drug: Clavulanic acid is an antibiotic often combined with antibiotic Amoxicillin with broad antibacterial spectrum.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug substance:
Clavulanate potassium is readily absorbed by direct oral administration. The maximum concentration of the drug in the serum is reached 1 to 2 hours after taking the drug. Absorption of the active substance is not affected by food and is best taken immediately before a meal. The oral bioavailability of Clavulanic Acid is approximately 75%. Approximately 30-40% of Clavulanic Acid is excreted in the urine as active form. Probenecid did not affect the elimination of Clavulanic Acid. Effect of the drug substance:
Clavulanic acid is caused by the fermentation of Streptomyces clavuligerus which has a beta - lactam structure similar to that of penicillin, capable of inhibiting beta - lactamase produced by most gram-negative bacteria and Staphylococcus. Clavulanic acid prevents the antibiotic Amoxicillin from being destroyed by beta-lactamases and effectively extends the antibacterial spectrum of amoxicillin to many bacteria normally resistant to Amoxicillin, other penicillins and other antibiotics. cephalosporins. The bactericidal spectrum of the drug includes: aerobic gram-positive bacteria such as Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus viridans, Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium, Bacillus anthracis, Listeria monocytogenes and anaerobic species, specifically Bacteroides species including B.fragilis.

2. What disease does Amotrokas 1g treat?

Amotrokas medicine 1g is effective in the treatment of the following diseases:
Treatment of specific upper and lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia, otitis media, acute sinusitis, acute severe inflammation of the chronic bronchi. . Treatment of infections in the skin and soft tissues, kidneys and lower urinary tract.

3. Usage and dosage of Amotrokas 1g

3.1. Dosage of Amotrokas 1g The usual therapeutic dose is 250 mg - 500 mg (based on amoxicillin), every 8 hours. For children up to 10 years old, a therapeutic dose of 125-250mg can be used every 8 hours. For children under 20kg, the usual dose is 20-40mg/kg body weight/day. Treatment of periodontal abscess, the treatment dose is 3 g, repeated again after 8 hours Treatment of acute urinary tract infections uncomplicated, the treatment dose is 3g or repeated after 10 to 12 hours. Prophylactic treatment of endocarditis in susceptible individuals, given as a single therapeutic dose of 3g, 1 hour before procedures such as tooth extraction. Treatment of severe or recurrent respiratory infections: high dose regimen of 3g amoxicillin 2 times/day. Children from 3 to 10 years old, treatment of otitis media can be used as a treatment dose of 750mg / time, 2 times a day, for 2 days. It should be noted: The above drug dosage is for reference only, patients should strictly follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.
3.2. How to use Amotrokas 1g Amotrokas 1g is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, suitable for direct oral use.
3.3. In case of drug overdose In case of drug overdose: Symptoms of Amotrokas 1g overdose may include: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, hyperactivity, drowsiness. If the person who has overdosed is comatose or unable to breathe, call 911 immediately. In case of missed dose: Usually medicines including Amotrokas 1g can be taken in about 1 to 2 hours than prescribed in the prescription. Unless there is a strict rule about the time of use, the medicine can be taken a few hours after forgetting. However, if the time to take Amotrokas 1g is too far from the time it should be taken, it should not be taken, because it can be dangerous to the body. You need to pay attention to correct compliance or consult your treating doctor before making a decision.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Amotrokas 1g

Undesirable effects of Amotrokas 1g are recorded as follows:
When using Amotrokas 1g, you may experience some unwanted effects including: Diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, itchy rash snoring on the skin, hives, trouble breathing or swallowing, wheezing, itching and vaginal discharge, yellowing of the skin or eyes.
Antibiotics Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid can cause other unwanted effects. Usually, the side effects or unwanted effects will go away when you stop using Amotrokas 1g. If there are rare side effects that are not mentioned in the instructions for use, you need to take the initiative to notify the treating doctor immediately.

5. Drug interactions of Amotrokas 1g

You should note that the interaction of Amotrokas 1g with other drugs is often quite complicated due to the influence of many ingredients in the drug. Studies or recommendations generally only indicate the types of interactions that are common with use. Therefore, patients should not arbitrarily apply information about drug interactions Amotrokas 1g.
You should pay attention when using Amotrokas 1g with alcohol, tobacco, alcoholic beverages or fermentation. Agents that can change the ingredients in the drug. You should actively look at the details in the instructions for use or consult your treating doctor for more details.

6. Some notes when using Amotrokas 1g

6.1. Cases of not using Amotrokas 1g Those who are allergic or sensitive to Penicillin antibiotics. People with cross-allergy to cephalosporins. People with infectious mononucleosis or lymphoid leukemia. People who are allergic to any of the ingredients in the drug should not use the drug. Other cases are specified in the drug leaflet or according to the doctor's prescription. Contraindications of the drug Amotrokas 1g must be understood as an absolute contraindication, ie not for any reason that contraindications are flexible enough to use the drug. 6.2. Precautions before using Amotrokas 1g People who are sensitive or sensitive to Amoxicillin, Clavulanic acid and Penicillin group antibiotics. People with a history of cholestatic jaundice or liver dysfunction. People with severe renal impairment Pregnant women: There are currently no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Therefore, only use Amotrokas 1g during pregnancy when absolutely necessary, after being considered by the treating doctor between the benefits to the mother and the risks to the baby. Lactation: Amoxicillin is excreted in breast milk. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using Amotrokas 1g to a nursing woman. Children: The safety and efficacy of Amotrokas 1g have been established for children weighing ≥ 40 kg who can swallow the tablet. Elderly people: The treating doctor will order to monitor kidney function. Patients with hepatic impairment: Use caution when determining therapeutic doses and monitor liver function regularly. Amotrokas medicine 1g has the main active ingredient Amoxicillin in the form of Amoxicillin trihydrate and Clavulanic acid in the form of potassium Clavulanate. This is an antibiotic with anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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