Uses of Clamixtan Nic

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Clamixtan Nic is an antiallergic drug commonly prescribed to treat the symptoms of itching, allergies caused by allergic rhinitis, urticaria, skin allergies,... So how should Clamixtan Nic be used?

1. What is Clamixtan Nic?

Clamixtan Nic is composed of 2 main ingredients, Loratadin and Phenylephrine hydrochloride.
Ingredients Loratadin - tricyclic antihistamine with antagonistic effect on peripheral H1 receptors, reducing symptoms of itching, urticaria caused by histamine. The drug has no effect on the central nervous system in cases of severe histamine release such as anaphylaxis. Loratadine is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and bound to plasma proteins and excreted in feces and urine. Phenylephrine hydrochloride - belongs to a group of sympathomimetic drugs that act on a1-adrenergic receptors, causing vasoconstriction, reducing blood volume in the circulatory system and increasing blood pressure. At therapeutic doses Phenylephrine also has no effect on the central nervous system. Drugs administered from the gastrointestinal tract are rapidly absorbed and completely metabolized and eliminated in the urine.
The combination of both Loratadin and Phenylephrine components in Clamixtan Nic increases the effect of reducing itching, reducing edema in urticaria due to vasoconstriction, reduced circulation, and reduced anaphylactic reactions.

2. Indications of Clamixtan Nic

Drug Clamixtan Nic is indicated in the following pathological cases:
Relief of symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, itchy eyes due to allergic rhinitis. Chronic urticaria disease. Peripheral allergic reactions: skin allergies, seasonal allergies, ...

3. Contraindications of Clamixtan Nic

Clamixtan Nic is not indicated for use in the following cases:
Allergy to Loratadin, Phenylephrine or any other ingredients of the drug. Uncontrolled hypertension. Atherosclerosis. Hyperthyroidism disease. Cardiovascular diseases: ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrest,... Diabetics have not well controlled blood sugar. Glaucoma disease. Urinary retention due to urinary tract obstruction. Precautions while using Clamixtan Nic
Monitor liver function and kidney function before and while taking Clamixtan Nic in patients with hepatic and renal impairment. The safety of the drug for fetuses and children has not been studied, so pregnant and lactating women should consider when using the drug. Children under 15 years of age should not take the drug.

4. Drug interactions of Clamixtan Nic

There are no clear drug interaction studies of Clamixtan Nic with other drugs. Therefore, when using in combination with any drug, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

5. Dosage and how to use Clamixtan Nic

How to use
Clamixtan Nic is in the form of film-coated tablets. Drink directly with water before or during meals.
Adults and children over 12 years old: 1 tablet (10mg)/time/day. Children from 6-12 years old (over 30kg): 1 tablet (10mg)/time/day. Children from 6 to 12 years old (over 30kg): 1⁄2 tablets (10mg)/time/day. Patients with hepatic or renal impairment: 1⁄2 tablets (10mg)/time/day or 1 tablet (10mg)/time/ 2 days.

6. Side effects of Clamixtan Nic

Some unwanted effects when using Clamixtan Nic:
Nausea, digestive disorders, increased appetite, dry mouth. Gastritis . Headache, fatigue, trouble sleeping. Tachycardia, possibly fainting. Restlessness, anxiety, agitation. Hypertension, tremor, paresthesia. Mucous skin pale, cold, goosebumps. Thus, Clamixtan Nic is an antiallergic drug indicated for the relief of symptoms caused by peripheral allergies, urticaria. The drug is easy to use, highly effective, but still has some unwanted effects. Therefore, it is important to take the medicine according to the instructions of the medical staff.

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