Uses of Nadypharlax

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Nadypharlax 10g belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, the main ingredient is Macrogol 4000 and is prepared in powder form, packed in 10g packages. Nadypharlax has a laxative effect in both children and adults.

1. Nadypharlax drug effects

Nadypharlax belongs to the group of digestive drugs, with the main ingredient being Macrogol 4000. Macrogol has a laxative effect by increasing the amount of water and not absorbing intestinal juices.
Nadypharlax is made in the form of oral powder, 10g package and is used in the treatment of constipation in both adults and children (children over 8 years old). In addition, Nadypharlax is also used to empty the intestines in patients before a colonoscopy.

2. How to use and dose Nadypharlax

With powder form, Nadypharlax drug is taken orally, put the package in a glass of boiled water to cool and still slightly warm, dissolve the drug completely and then drink it directly, do not mix the drug with fruit juice, milk, tea, etc. ... because it reduces the effect or increases toxicity or drug interactions.
The recommended dose of Nadypharlax is 1 pack / time, 1-2 times / day. However, it should be noted that the medication should be taken at least 2 hours apart. After 2-4 days of using the drug will see the effect. The maximum duration of use is 2 weeks.
Currently, there is no record of overdose of Nadypharlax. However, the patient should absolutely take the drug as prescribed by the doctor, to avoid taking more than the prescribed dose. If you have strange symptoms after an overdose, you should immediately notify your doctor or go to a medical facility for examination and treatment.

3. Nadypharlax side effects

Nadypharlax is well tolerated, so there are almost no side effects, if the symptoms are usually mild and transient, the patient recovers quickly.
Some intestinal effects may be encountered when taking Nadypharlax such as nausea, abdominal pain, increased intestinal gas, bowel dysfunction. Some of the more serious but rare side effects include seizures, kidney disease, and heart rhythm disturbances.
If you see any strange symptoms after taking Nadypharlax, the patient should stop taking the drug immediately and immediately contact a doctor or medical facility.

4. Some notes when using Nadypharlax drug

Do not use Nadypharlax in people with hypersensitivity or history of allergy to the drug's ingredients; people with bowel diseases such as intestinal obstruction , Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis; or idiopathic abdominal pain. Before taking Nadypharlax, patients need to consult their doctor or pharmacist, as well as tell the doctor/pharmacist about their health condition, including history of allergies, chronic diseases, are pregnant or nursing, ... Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding can use Nadypharlax because it is relatively safe, but you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking it. It is necessary to combine Nadypharlax with a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of water to effectively treat constipation. Besides, it is necessary to practice the habit of defecation on time and regularly exercise to have a healthy digestive system. Although Nadypharlax has not been reported to interact with other drugs. However, to ensure safety and limit the risk of drug interactions, patients need to let their doctor or pharmacist know their current and previous drug use. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and using other stimulants while taking Nadypharlax so as not to affect its effectiveness. The use of Nadypharlax is a laxative, treating constipation in both adults and children over 8 years old. The drug takes effect after 2-4 days of use. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Nadypharlax exactly as directed by your doctor.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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