Uses of Otifar 8ml

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Otifar 8ml belongs to the group of ear disinfectants containing corticosteroids. The main ingredients of the drug include Chloramphenicol, Dexamethasone. This is a prescription drug, so you should only use it when prescribed by a specialist. The information below is for reference only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

1. What is Otifar 8ml?

Otifar 8ml belongs to the group of ear disinfectants containing corticosteroids. The main ingredients of the drug include Chloramphenicol 80mg, Dexamethasone 4mg. Otifar 8ml is prepared as a solution. Otifar 8ml is effective in the treatment of otitis externa caused by bacterial infections. The packaging of the drug includes a box of 1 vial with a volume of 8ml.

2. What effect does Otifar 8ml have after use?

Otifar 8ml is used to treat otitis externa caused by infection (acute congestive otitis media).
Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, capable of inhibiting the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Dexamethasone contained in the drug is essentially a synthetic corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, and anti-allergic effects. After instillation through the ear, the active substance can be rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Otifar 8ml is extensively metabolised in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

3. Instructions for using Otifar 8ml and dosage

Otifar 8ml drug is prepared in the form of a solution, the patient uses the drug to drop into the inflamed ear canal. Dosage of Otifar 8ml:
For adults: Apply 1 to 5 drops each time, 2 times a day. Maintain this dosage for 6 to 10 days. For young children: Apply 1 to 5 drops each time, 2 times a day. Maintain this dosage for 6 to 10 days. Dosage of Otifar 8ml may vary depending on the age of the child. Dosage of Otifar 8ml in this article is for reference only. Dosage may vary depending on the patient's age, physical condition, and disease progression. For an accurate dose, you should consult a medical professional or specialist.
So far, no case of overdose of Otifar 8ml has been recorded. However, overdose can still occur when a patient uses more than the dose prescribed by the doctor. If the patient has abnormal symptoms, it is necessary to immediately go to the medical center to take measures to remove the remaining amount of medicine that has not been absorbed in the body.

4. What should you do if you miss a dose of Otifar 8ml?

You need to take the supplement as soon as you remember. If it is too close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking it as usual. Never double the next dose to make up for the missed dose or stop taking the medicine without your doctor's prescription.

5. Unwanted side effects during the use of Otifar 8ml and measures to deal with

The side effects of Otifar 8ml have different frequencies depending on the patient's condition and the extent of the disease. Patients may feel itching, burning during the first time of treatment. In case patients use the drug for a long time, they may experience systemic allergic reactions, repeated many times.
Measures to handle when side effects appear
When the patient appears one of the above symptoms, it is necessary to stop using the drug and immediately go to the medical center for measures to handle.

6. Those who are not allowed to use Otifar 8ml

Absolutely do not prescribe Otifar 8ml for patients who are sensitive to the ingredients in the drug. For some subjects, perforation of the tympanic membrane caused by physical or bacterial agents, glaucoma, diabetes, peptic ulcer disease, irreversible anemia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, systemic fungal infections, history of bone marrow failure should not be used.

7. The interaction between the drug Otifar 8ml and some other drugs

Using Otifar 8ml with Phenobarbital, Rifampicin can reduce the effect of the drug, causing an increase in drug metabolism in the liver. Caused by chloramphenicol metabolism from the enzyme Cytochrome P450. During treatment with Otifar 8ml, patients should not take iron-containing drugs, vitamins B9, B12 or drugs for bone marrow disease,... To limit the interaction between drugs, before using them. Otifar 8ml medicine, you should provide your doctor with a list of medicines (prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, functional products, male drugs,...).

8. One thing to note during the use of Otifar 8ml medicine

If the body shows signs of irritation, you should stop using the drug immediately. For people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is necessary to carefully consider the harms and benefits that the drug brings. Because there is no evidence to prove the safety level of the drug for this group of subjects. After using the medicine, it is necessary to close the lid and store the medicine at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. Only use Otifar 8ml within 15 days from opening the lid. Otifar 8ml belongs to the group of corticosteroid ear disinfectants, effective in treating otitis externa caused by bacterial infections. The drug is easy to use and causes few side effects. You can buy Otifar 8ml at drug stores nationwide. However, this is a prescription drug, so you should only use it when prescribed by your doctor.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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