Uses of Pantonova IV

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Pantonova IV is a gastric acid-reducing drug that is administered intravenously. The drug is short-term treatment for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastrointestinal ulcers.

1. What is Pantonova?

Pantonova medicine has the main ingredient is Pantoprazol in the form of Pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate 40mg. Pantonova is prepared as lyophilized powder for intravenous injection. Pantoprazol is a selective proton pump inhibitor with specific and irreversible inhibitory effects on the proton pump, selectively acting on the gastric cell wall, so the drug acts quickly and effectively. According to the evaluation study, the healing rate of ulcers can reach 95% after 8 weeks of treatment. The drug has little effect on total gastric volume, pepsin secretion, intrinsic factor and gastric contractility, usually only increasing the pH of gastric juice.

2. Uses of the drug Pantonova

Pantonova is indicated in the following cases:
Used for short-term treatment of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a history of erosive esophagitis. Pantonova is also indicated for the short-term treatment of pathological gastrointestinal hyperacidity. May be associated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or hypersecretion due to other proliferative conditions. The drug Pantonova is not contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

3. Dosage and how to use Pantonova

3.1 Administration The drug is to be administered by intravenous injection or intravenous infusion only. This operation is performed by qualified medical personnel.
Intravenous injection: Mix 40mg lyophilized powder vial with 10ml of 0.9% NaCl solution by slow intravenous injection, need to inject at least 2 minutes. Intravenous infusion: Mix the drug with 100ml of 0.9% NaCl solution, or 5% dextran solution or Ringer Lactate solution. The reconstituted solution should be administered intravenously over at least 15 minutes. Note that the reconstituted solution should not be mixed or shared with other drugs. It should be used within 12 hours of reconstitution and preferably immediately after reconstitution to avoid the risk of contamination. Use half the volume after reconstitution if only 20 mg pantoprazole is needed, discard the unused portion of the solution.
3.2 Dosage For adults:
Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, moderate to severe reflux esophagitis: The recommended intravenous dose is 1 vial of Pantonova (40 mg Pantoprazole) and administered once. everyday.
Treatment of persistent Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions:
Patients are usually started with a daily dose of 80 mg of pantoprazole administered intravenously. The dose can then be adjusted up or down as required based on the quantitative results of gastric acid secretion. For doses that exceed 80 mg per day, they should be divided equally into 2 times/day. In cases where rapid control of acid secretion can be achieved, an initial dose of 160 mg is used, but not for long-term use. It is advisable to switch from parenteral to oral pantoprazole as quickly as possible when clinical conditions permit. The duration of use according to the indications of the usual injection is about 7-14 days, do not use it for a long time. Severe liver failure: Need to reduce dose or use every other day. The maximum dose for this case is 20 mg/day or 40 mg once every 2 days.
People with renal impairment : Use as adults and do not need to adjust the dose.
Children: Not recommended because safety and effectiveness have not been established in studies.

4. Side effects of the drug Pantonova

Pantonova is generally a fairly well tolerated drug. The majority of side effects are mild and moderate in severity. Some of the side effects that may be encountered during the use of the drug have been reported, including:
Body-wide reactions: Fatigue, weakness, increased sweating are common side effects. Rarely, fever, hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and peripheral edema have been observed. Very rarely, chest pain (under the sternum) and hot flushes have been observed. Cardiovascular: Rarely causes hypertension. Very rarely, cardiac arrest has been reported. Central and Peripheral Nervous System: Headache, dizziness. More serious are reduced mobility and voice changes. Digestive system: Diarrhea, frequent belching, constipation or bloating, flatulence, dry mouth and upper abdominal pain. Less common are nausea and vomiting. Rarely, rectal disorders and colonic polyps are caused. Very rarely, stool discoloration and increased salivation have been reported; Other side effects not listed above may also occur. You should tell your doctor about the side effects you experience while taking Pantonova.

5. Precautions when using Pantonova

Before taking drugs with proton pump inhibitors, patients must be excluded the possibility of stomach cancer because when using drugs can mask symptoms, delay in the process of cancer diagnosis.
Be careful when using the drug for people with liver disease such as cirrhosis, severe liver failure and when using, must monitor liver function. No adequate studies have been performed with the use of pantoprazole in humans during pregnancy. Use only when clearly needed during pregnancy
It is not known whether pantoprazole is excreted in breast milk. However, in a study, pantoprazole and its metabolites were excreted in the milk of rats. Based on the carcinogenic potential of pantoprazole in rats, a careful decision should be made between discontinuation of nursing or discontinuation of the drug.
Drug interactions can occur when taking drugs together. Some drugs can interact with pantoprazol such as antacids, proton pump inhibitors, Ketoconazole, Antanazavir, Diclofenac, diazeppan...
Pantonova drugs are used under a doctor's prescription for a short time to treat Treatment of acute diseases for which oral medications are ineffective. If you notice anything unusual while taking this medicine, you should tell your doctor.

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