Uses of Saviroxime

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Saviroxim drug with many different dosage forms (saviroxim 125, saviroxim 250, saviroxim 500) is indicated for use in cases of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, soft tissue skin infections...

1. What is the use of Saviroxim?

1.1. What is Saviroxim? Saviroxim belongs to the group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antiviral and antifungal drugs. The drug has registration number VD-2569-07 (with content of 125, saviroxim 125), VD-18122-12 (with content of 250, saviroxim 250), VD-18123-12 (with content of 500, saviroxim 500). The drug is manufactured by a pharmaceutical and biological medical one member limited company.
Saviroxim tablets include the following ingredients:
Main active ingredients: Cefuroxim axetil. Excipients: Microcrystallin cellulose, Talc powder, Aerosil, HPM 606, DST, Castor oil, Magnesium stearate, Titanium dioxide and Ethanol 96%. Saviroxim antibiotics are prepared in many different forms:
Powder form for oral suspension with the content of 125mg, packing 3.8g, box of 10 packs. The form of long-coated tablets, 200mg and 500mg, 5 tablets, 1 blister, box of 2 blisters. The drug is recommended for both children and adults.
1.2. What does Saviroxime do? Cefuroxime is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action, belonging to the cephalosporin group of drugs. Cefuroxime has well-characterized and effective antimicrobial activity against many common pathogens, including beta-lactamase/cephalosporinase-producing strains of both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The antibiotic Cefuroxime is particularly resistant to many beta-lactamase enzymes of gram-negative bacteria.
Saviroxim is prescribed by doctors in the following cases:
Lower respiratory tract infections such as acute / chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. Upper respiratory tract infections such as infections of the nose, ears and throat, eg sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Dental infection. Infections of the urinary and genital tracts such as cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis. Bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissues such as pyoderma, boils and impetigo. Prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections, prophylaxis of infections during surgery. Gonorrhea and Lyme disease. The drug has good effect against Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Haemophilus influenzae. Contraindications:
Contraindicated to use Saviroxim in case:
Patients are allergic to the main active ingredient Cefuroxim, Cephalosporin antibiotic group or any of the excipients of Saviroxim.

2. Usage of Saviroxim

2.1. How to take Saviroxim Saviroxim is taken orally. Powder for suspension: Patients need to mix the drug pack with about 50ml of water, wait until the drug is completely dissolved, then start drinking. Tablet form: If the tablet is too big, it can be broken in half to drink, but the patient should not crush it or mix it with any other solution or mixture. Take Saviroxime as directed by your doctor. 2.2. Dosage of the drug Saviroxim Saviroxim powder for suspension 125mg:
Oral dose of 250mg, every 12 hours to treat tonsillitis, pharyngitis or maxillary sinusitis caused by sensitive bacteria. Oral dose of 250 mg or 500 mg every 12 hours in acute bronchitis secondary to bacterial infection or acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis or in uncomplicated skin and soft tissue infections. Oral dose of 125mg or 250mg, every 12 hours, in uncomplicated urinary tract infections. A single oral dose of 1g in uncomplicated urethral or cervical gonorrhea or uncomplicated rectal gonorrhea in women. Oral dose of 500mg, twice daily, for 20 days, treatment of newly acquired Lyme disease. Children:
Tonsillitis, pharyngitis: Oral suspension 20mg/kg body weight/day (maximum 500mg/day) divided into 2 small doses or can take 1 tablet 125mg every 12 hours. Otitis media, impetigo: Oral suspension is 30mg/kg body weight/day (maximum 1g/day) divided into 2 small doses or oral tablet is 250mg every 12 hours. Saviroxim tablets 250mg and 500mg:
With mild and moderate infections of the lower respiratory tract: Take 1 tablet / time, 2 times a day. A double dose may be used in case of severe disease or suspected pneumonia. Urinary tract infections in nephritis, pyelonephritis: Take 1 tablet/time, twice daily. Gonorrhea: Only take a single dose of 4 tablets/time/day. Lyme disease in adults and children over 12 years: Take 2 tablets / time, 2 times a day, for 20 days continuously. Children:
Over 2 years old with otitis media: Take 1 tablet twice a day (if needed). Handling missed dose:
If you forget 1 dose of Saviroxim, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Note that a double dose of Saviroxim should not be taken. Treatment of overdose:
Symptoms: Saviroxim overdose mainly causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, some cases can cause neuromuscular hyperexcitability and seizures, especially in people with renal failure. Treatment of Overdose: Since the potential for an overdose of multiple Saviroxim drugs is very likely, attention should be paid to drug interactions and unusual pharmacokinetics in the patient. It is necessary to protect the patient's respiratory tract, support ventilation and administer fluids. If convulsions develop, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately; Anticonvulsant therapy may be used if clinically indicated. Hemodialysis can remove Saviroxim from the blood, but most treatment is supportive or symptomatic.

3. Notes when taking Saviroxim

Saviroxim tablets should not be crushed. For young children, the suspension form will be more appropriate. Prior to treatment with Saviroxim, the patient's history of allergy to cephalosporins, penicillins, or other drugs should be thoroughly investigated. Caution should be exercised when administering Saviroxim to patients concomitantly with potent diuretics, because of the potential for adverse effects on renal function. Long-term use of Saviroxim may cause overgrowth of non-susceptible strains of bacteria. Therefore, if a patient develops a serious superinfection during treatment, the drug must be discontinued immediately. Caution should be exercised when prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics to patients with gastrointestinal disease, especially inflammatory bowel disease, as pseudomembranous colitis has been reported with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. wide. Caution should be exercised when concurrent use of aminoglycoside antibiotics and cephalosporins because of increased nephrotoxicity. The hexokinase or glucose oxidase methods are recommended for the determination of plasma or blood glucose concentrations in patients receiving cefuroxime axetil. This antibiotic does not affect the alkaline picrate test for creatinine. Cefuroxime antibiotics can cross the placenta of the mother, so this drug should be used during pregnancy only when clearly needed. Cefuroxime is excreted in milk in very low concentrations. Therefore, the drug can be used during breastfeeding, but it is necessary to monitor the baby for diarrhea, thrush and rash.

4. Side effects of the drug Saviroxim

At therapeutic doses, Saviroxim is well tolerated. However, during the use of Saviroxim, patients may still experience side effects such as:
Common: Diarrhea, skin rash.
Uncommon: Anaphylaxis, eosinophilia, leukopenia, neutropenia, Candida infection, positive Coombs' test, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, urticaria and increased serum creatinine bar.
Rare: Fever, hemolytic anemia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, cholestatic jaundice, pseudomembranous colitis, mild elevations of AST, ALT, nephrotoxicity with transient increase in blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, convulsions (if the dose is high and renal failure), interstitial nephritis, agitation, headache and arthralgia.
If experiencing these symptoms, the patient should stop using Saviroxim and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

5. Saviroxim drug interactions

Decreased effect: Sodium bicarbonate and ranitidine reduce the bioavailability of cefuroxime axetil. Saviroxim should be administered at least 2 hours after antacids or H2 blockers, as these can increase the pH of the stomach. Increased effect: Probenecid used in high doses reduces renal clearance of cefuroxime, resulting in higher than normal plasma concentrations of cefuroxime and longer duration. Increased toxicity: Aminoglycosides when used with Saviroxime increase the possibility of nephrotoxicity. To avoid interactions, before being prescribed Saviroxim, the patient should inform the doctor about the drugs they are using, including functional foods. The doctor will base on that to prescribe the appropriate Saviroxim.

6. How to store Saviroxim

The shelf life of Saviroxim is 36 months from the date of manufacture. Powder form: Store below 25 degrees Celsius. When stored at temperatures lower than 30 degrees Celsius for up to two months, there is no harmful effect on the drug. Tablet form: Store in a cool, dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, in the original packaging and protected from light. Keep Saviroxim out of reach of children. The article provides information on dosage, contraindications and notes during use and Saviroxim therapeutic uses. To ensure that Saviroxim is working optimally and to prevent side effects, patients should consult their doctor/pharmacist before use.

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