Uses of the drug Babesoft

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Babesoft belongs to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, which are used to treat a number of pain syndromes caused by rheumatic or neuropathic pain. So what is the effect of Babesoft and in what specific cases is it indicated?

1. What is Babesoft?

Babesoft's main ingredients are vitamin B1 in the form of thiamin nitrate, vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B12 in the form of cyanocobalamin and other excipients such as palm oil, soybean oil, white beeswax, lecithin, gelatin, iron xyd. red, allura red, titanium dioxide just enough for 1 tablet. The drug is prepared for users in the form of soft capsules, packaged in 2 forms: box of 3 blisters, 6 blisters, 10 blisters x 10 tablets or bottles of 30 tablets, 60 tablets, 200 tablets and 500 tablets.

2. Uses of the drug Babesoft

2.1. Uses and indications

Babesoft medicine is used to treat specific cases such as:
Patients with vitamin B deficiency, often have headaches, adolescents under 18 years of age have physical weakness, growth retardation. People with nervous system instability: neuralgia, peripheral neuritis, diabetic neuritis, alcoholism, optic neuritis, polyneuritis, neurasthenia, pain sciatica, paresthesia, convulsions due to increased stimulation of the central nervous system. People with shingles. Treatment, prevention and treatment of symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Patients with anemia due to vitamin B6 deficiency, vitamin B12. Helps to recover and maintain health after illness, overwork or the elderly.

2.2. Contraindications

Babesoft is contraindicated in the following specific cases:
Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the drug. Users are pregnant and lactating women because the drug can cause pyridoxine dependence syndrome in children. People with melanoma due to vitamin B12, which causes tissue growth to have a high growth rate, is likely to increase the risk of tumor progression. Users with atopic diseases such as: Asthma, eczema, asthma. Note: The cases of contraindications of the drug should be understood as absolute contraindications, not for any reason, but flexible to use the drug, to avoid causing danger to the body.

3. How to use and dose Babesoft

3.1. How to use

Babesoft is prepared for patients in the form of tablets that should be taken orally, when taken with a sufficient amount of water, should not be broken or crushed during the oral process.

3.2. Dosage

For adults: take 1 tablet x 2-3 times/day For children under 18 years old: take 1 tablet x 1-2 times/day. Note: Users need to apply the exact dose and time of use of Babesoft stated on the package, instruction sheet or prescription from a doctor, who has medical responsibility. Absolutely do not arbitrarily determine, use or change the dose of drugs, affecting your health.
In case of missed dose: Take the missed dose as soon as possible, however if it is too close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue taking the right dose at the indicated time. determined. The user must not take a double dose to make up for the missed dose.
In case of overdose: When the drug is used in high doses from 2-7g/day or over 0.2g/day for more than 2 months, it will lead to the progression of sensory neuropathy and symptoms of ataxia and numbness of the feet. hand. However, these symptoms usually go away after the user stops using the drug after 6 months.
Note: In case of overdose, the user should immediately notify the doctor, the person in charge of medical care to get timely information and help. Family members should bring medical records, medications that have been used and are being used to make the diagnosis easier and faster.

4. Undesirable side effects of the drug Babesoft

When using the drug, besides the main effect, users may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Vitamin B1: hypersensitivity reactions occur, symptoms such as: Needle sensation stinging, warm feeling, itching, pain, urticaria, weakness, vomiting, insomnia, throat tightness, sweating, respiratory distress, pulmonary edema, gastrointestinal bleeding, hypotension, even may cause death. Vitamin B6: When used in high doses for a long period of time, it can cause severe peripheral neuropathy. Note: Users need to immediately inform their doctor about the symptoms they experience due to the use of the drug.

5. Babesoft drug interactions

During the use of Babesoft, the drug may have some interactions with foods or other drugs such as:
Vitamin B1 may increase the effect of drugs that cause neuromuscular blockade. Vitamin B6 may reduce the effectiveness of the active ingredient Levodopa, but if taken with a dopa decarboxylase inhibitor, this interaction will not occur. Vitamin B6 also reduces the activity of Altretamine, reduces the concentration of phenytoin, phenobarbital in serum Hydralazine, isoniazid, penicillamine, oral contraceptives: may increase the need for vitamin B6 Pyridoxine can help reduce alleviate depression in women taking oral contraceptives. In order to minimize the negative interactions that occur, patients need to inform their doctors and pharmacists about functional foods, drugs that they have been, are and intend to use for advice on treatment. Adjust the dose to be reasonable and safest.

6. Some notes when using the drug Babesoft

Drug users who have a history of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient cobalamin, who have a history of allergic disease to penicillin, because they may be allergic to vitamin B. People who take a high dose of Vitamin B6 200mg for more than 30 days can cause pyridoxine syndrome. Use with caution in children because the effectiveness and safety of the drug has not been evaluated. Absolutely do not use this drug for pregnant women because it can cause drug dependence syndrome for the baby. The drug should not be used by people who are breastfeeding, because vitamin B6 can inhibit lactation by blocking the action of the active ingredient prolactin There have been no reports showing that the drug has an effect on people who are driving or are operating machinery. It is necessary to store the medicine in a dry place, avoid mold, do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated on the package. Hopefully, the information shared above about the uses - indications, dosage and some notes of Babesoft medicine will help users understand the information and feel safer when using.

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