What is Acetasol HC?

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Acetasol HC contains the active ingredient acetic acid combined with hydrocortisone. The drug is indicated in the treatment of ear infections, reducing symptoms of itching, redness or swelling of the ear.

1. Designation

“What is Acetasol?”. Acetasol HC contains the active ingredient acetic acid combined with hydrocortisone. The drug is indicated in the treatment of ear infections, reducing symptoms of itching, redness or swelling of the ear. Acetasol HC is not indicated for the treatment of inner ear infections (also known as otitis media).

2. Dosage and usage

Acetasol drug dose is used as prescribed by the doctor, patients should note not to use larger doses or prolong the duration of drug treatment than recommended. To achieve the best treatment effect, the patient should remove the wax and clean the ear before drug treatment.
The recommended dosage for the dosage form of ear drops in patients with ear infections is as follows:
Adults and children over 3 years old: Put 3-5 drops in the ear, repeat the dose after 4 – 6 hours in the first 24 hours, then maintain 5 drops / time x 3-4 times / day; Children under 3 years old: Use the drug as prescribed by the treating doctor. The steps to use Acetasol HC are as follows:
The patient should lie on the side of the head towards the ear upwards, gently pull the earlobe up and back for adult patients (pull gently down and back for children). em) to help straighten the ear canal. Drop the medicine into the ear canal, then the patient should still maintain a lying position for 2 - 5 minutes to allow the medicine to drain completely into the ear canal. The patient can gently pull a sterile cotton plug into the ear to prevent the drug from flowing out, the doctor may assign the patient to put drops on the cotton every 4-6 hours to keep moisture in the first day of treatment; Note do not let the tip of the medicine touch your hands, ears .... because this will make the medicine contaminated. Never use the medicine in your eyes, mouth, nose or on your lips. Rinse with water in case the medicine gets on these areas;

3. Side effects

Acetasol can cause some side effects as follows:
Allergic reactions: Difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue, face or throat; Irritation or burning after instillation; Stinging, slight burning when using the drug at the first time; In children, there may be side effects of loss of appetite, weakness, and weight loss. In case of side effects, the patient should stop using the drug and immediately notify the treating doctor for timely treatment.

4. Notes when using drugs

Do not let the medicine get in your eyes, mouth or nose. Rinse with water in case the medicine gets on the above parts.
Inform your doctor in case you are allergic to any of the ingredients of Acetasol HC as well as to drugs, foods, drinks that you are allergic to.
Use in children: There are no studies to prove the safety of the drug when treating children under 3 years of age. Therefore, the drug should only be used in these subjects when prescribed by a doctor.
Use in the elderly: Studies have shown no need for dose adjustment in the elderly.
Lactating women: Acetasol HC should only be used in lactating women when the benefits outweigh the risks.

5. Drug interactions

5.1. Drug-drug interactions Acetasol HC may interact with the following drugs: Desmopressin, live Rotavirus vaccine, loxoprofen, abametapir, aceclofenac, lumiracoxib, acemetacin, macimorelin, meloxicam, bemiparin, moxifloxacin, nabumetone, nadifloxacin,...
Concurrent use of Acetasol HC and the following medicines may increase the risk of side effects: Licorice, Alcuronium, Metocurine, Primidone, Colestipol, Rifapentine, Gallamine, Hexafluorenium...
5.2. Drug-drink, food-drug interactions Drug-drug interactions with food and drink can decrease the effects as well as increase the risk of side effects. Therefore, the patient should consult the treating doctor about the use of the drug along with food and drink.

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Reference source: drugs.com

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