Is beetroot juice good? Do you have skin beauty?

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For followers of natural beauty treatments, beetroot juice is no longer strange. So how beautiful is beetroot juice and what should be noted when using beetroot juice to lose weight?

1. Nutritional content of beetroot juice

According to analysis from nutritionists, in 136g beetroot contains up to 60 calories, including 87% water, 8% carbohydrates and 2-3% fiber. In particular, when beetroot juice retains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances from plants such as:
Folate (B9) : Belongs to B vitamins, plays an important role in tissue growth and function of cells, especially women during pregnancy need enough folate needed. Manganese: Although a trace mineral element, the amount of manganese provided in beetroot juice plays an equally important role for the body. Potassium: A diet rich in potassium can help lower blood pressure, and has positive effects on heart health. Iron: An essential mineral that has many important functions in the body. This is essential for the transport of oxygen in red blood cells. So red beetroot makes a very healthy drink. Vitamin C: An antioxidant that is important for immune function and skin health. Betanin: The pigment responsible for the red color of this tuber. This substance is thought to have many health benefits.

2. Drink beetroot juice beautiful skin?

Can beetroot juice lose weight? Is beetroot juice beautiful skin? Is it good to drink beetroot celery juice?... Are the concerns of many women. With the above nutritional composition, the benefits that beets bring to the skin cannot be ignored such as:
Anti-aging skin Beetroot juice is a significant source of choline, folic acid, iodine, manganese, organic sodium, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates in a natural gastrointestinal tract form. The iron content in beets, although not high, is of the highest and best quality and is considered a blood-tonic food. Pure beetroot powder helps to increase the production of anti-aging skin.
Helps fade dark spots, brighten skin Vitamin C contained in beets is very effective in lightening skin and blurring blemishes. Beetroot juice contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which aids in changing skin pigmentation, eliminating oxidative radicals that cause dull skin. Using red beetroot juice also helps you to make your skin firm, smooth, and naturally rosy.
Nước ép củ dền đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe người dùng
Nước ép củ dền đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe người dùng

Prevents hair loss Potassium is an important nutrient for hair growth and is the cause of hair loss if this element is deficient. Beetroot juice is considered a quality source of potassium, from which you can prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
Protect the pink color of the lips Beets have a natural color, help make the lips pink, improve the previously dark pigmentation to become more fresh. At the same time, they also provide an abundant amount of vitamins and antioxidants, keeping the lips plump and healthy, limiting wrinkles and lip lines.
Beetroot juice for weight loss Plant nitrates have been shown to reduce oxygen levels during exercise by affecting mitochondria – the cellular organelle responsible for energy production.
Beetroot juice is often used for this purpose because of its high content of inorganic nitrates, which can improve performance in exercise activities such as running and cycling, increase endurance, improve oxygen utilization and improve exercise performance better. Besides, beetroot juice has low calories, moderate amount of protein and fiber which are factors for maintaining a healthy weight.

3. Notes when drinking beetroot juice

To change the taste, you can juice beetroot with orange, carrot, ginger, green apple... or beetroot celery juice. You can also add more sugar when it feels light, but as little as possible if you want to drink beetroot juice to lose weight. In particular, beetroot juice has many uses and benefits for health, but you should only use it 1-2 times a week, avoid using it regularly every day, because it can cause dizziness. hypoglycemia or allergies. Note that beetroot juice should not be combined with fresh milk, because it can cause poisoning.
Hope the above information helps you have more knowledge about beetroot and how to use it safely and rationally.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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