Uses of Cipazy

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Belonging to the group of anti-infective, antibacterial and anti-fungal drugs, Cipazy drug is used in the treatment of pneumonia, otitis media, skin infection... The use of Cipazy drug should be consulted and directed only. by a qualified physician for the best treatment results.

1. Composition and uses of Cipazy

Cipazy drug is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, canned in 1 bottle of 100ml. The drug contains the main ingredient is Ciprofloxacin (in the form of Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) 200mg/100ml and excipients just enough as indicated by the manufacturer.
With the above active ingredients and uses, Ciprofloxacin is indicated in the following cases:
The drug is used in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, lung abscess, bronchiectasis superinfection , acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis. Otitis media, sinusitis. Gonorrhea infection. Skin and soft tissue infections. Infectious diarrhea, peritonitis, cholangitis, adnexitis, osteoarthritis. Sepsis . Note that Cipazy is only used when prescribed by a qualified doctor or pharmacist, so patients do not buy the drug on their own. The use of drugs for unknown purposes will cause many serious effects to the patient's health.

2. Dosage of Cipazy

Before taking the drug, the patient needs to tell the doctor about all the medicines he is taking, including prescription and non-prescription drugs. Thereby, the doctor will consider and advise on the dose and duration of each drug so that it is safe and effective. This is to reduce drug resistance or cross-reactivity between drugs.
Urinary tract infections 100 mg x 2 times/day. Respiratory infections less than 200 mg x 2 times/day. Other infections 200 mg x 2 times/day. Gonorrhea single dose 150 mg. Renal impairment ClCr < 20 mL/min: 1/2 dose. The above drug dosage is for reference only, patients should still take the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor, pharmacist to achieve the best treatment effect.

3. Possible side effects when taking Cipazy

In the process of using Cipazy, patients may experience typical side effects such as:
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, trouble sleeping, rash.... Depending on the situation, these These side effects can vary and vary. In order to minimize side effects, users should pay attention to some of the following issues:
Drugs need to be used in the right dose, in the right amount. reduce. Do not abuse the drug, because it can cause many serious effects to health... When the body appears side effects, the patient needs to talk to the doctor for advice on how to handle it. In some cases, the patient may have to stop the treatment or change to another drug with similar effects.

4. What to do in case of missed dose or overdose of Cipazy?

In case of missed dose or overdose of Cipazy, the patient should handle it in the following ways:
Missed dose: When a patient notices a missed dose, they need to take the medicine as soon as they remember, if the missed dose is close to the next dose, they should skip the missed dose. No need to make up or double the dose. Overdose : Overdose is a rather dangerous case that can affect health and the treatment process. When you notice an overdose of the drug, the patient should talk to the doctor directly for advice on how to handle it. Besides, it is necessary to monitor your health status regularly if there are side effects, you need to go to the hospital immediately for treatment. In addition, to avoid overdose or forget doses, patients should set an alarm to remind them of the time to take the medicine so that it is on time.
Cipazy is an anti-infective, antibacterial drug, should only be used when prescribed by a qualified doctor. Therefore, before using, patients should carefully read the use of Cipazy and refer to the prescribed dose for the best treatment results.

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