Is it necessary to wean while breastfeeding?

Many mothers are confused and worried about whether they are breastfeeding but get pregnant while not having time to wean their first baby and whether being pregnant and breastfeeding will have any effect on the fetus in the womb? The information below will help you find your answer.

1. Is it necessary to wean while breastfeeding?

Many women worry about getting pregnant while breastfeeding for fear of causing mild uterine contractions or loss of milk. However, in a healthy pregnancy, these contractions are not cause for concern, as they do not usually cause preterm labor. This is because oxytocin, the hormone secreted to stimulate contractions, is usually released in small amounts during breastfeeding that are not enough to induce preterm labor. Such contractions are also harmless to the fetus and rarely increase the likelihood of miscarriage. Also, although a small amount of pregnancy hormones pass into your milk, there is no danger to your unborn baby.
Although breastfeeding during pregnancy is generally considered safe, there are certain circumstances when weaning should be:
- If you are pregnant there is a high risk of preterm labor;
- If you are pregnant with twins ;
- If you have been advised by a specialist to avoid sex while pregnant;
- If you are having bleeding problems or uterine pain. If you experience these symptoms, talk to your doctor to determine if weaning is the best option for you, your baby, and your unborn baby.
Normally, a mother's milk supply will decrease during the 4th and 5th months of pregnancy. This can cause changes to the milk and may make your milk unpalatable to your baby. For this reason, your infant may be ready to wean sooner than you anticipate. On the other hand, your baby may enjoy breastfeeding and not be ready to wean yet.
You may question whether you yourself are ready to wean your baby. You may also wonder how pregnancy might affect your relationship with your nursing baby. Another important note is that your baby is breastfeeding primarily for nutrition or for comfort.
It is important to monitor the health and development of infants under 6 months of age who are fully dependent on breast milk. Additional feedings may be needed to ensure the child is getting proper nourishment. Babies who have eaten other foods, on the other hand, may prefer other foods to breast milk as your milk supply dwindles.
Đang cho con bú mà lại có thai
Đang cho con bú mà lại có thai sẽ gây ra các cơn co thắt nhẹ ở tử cung

2. Is there a loss of milk while breastfeeding?

It probably will, but usually not until mid-pregnancy. Your nursing baby may notice any slowdown in milk production or a change in the consistency or taste of your milk supply as colostrum begins to be produced (again, usually towards the end of the third trimester). 2nd trimester).
Some babies decide to wean themselves at some point in their mother's pregnancy, due to a decrease in milk supply or a change in taste, while others never miss the breastfeeding phase. Either way, your doctor will monitor your child's weight gain to make sure he's getting enough.

3. Parallel feeding

3.1. During pregnancy Parallel breastfeeding can affect the unborn baby. When a mother breastfeeds, her body secretes prolactin. At this time, milk will be produced and stored in the milk follicles, if the prolactin level is too low, the breast milk supply will decrease. Oxytocin is released when the baby begins to suck and pull the nipple into the mouth; it contracts the muscles around the follicle, pushing the milk out of the follicle, into the milk ducts and moving to the nipple and into the baby's mouth; contraction of the uterine muscle during and after birth, helping this organ shrink back to its original size, limiting postpartum bleeding. But for most women, these contractions usually don't cause any problems. Only women who have a history of early labor or miscarriage or have gained little weight during pregnancy or have experienced bleeding should consider continuing to breastfeed their older baby.
3.2. Once born It is generally considered safe to breastfeed your baby and an older child at the same time. But you should let your pediatrician know so they can keep a close eye on your baby's weight.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that during the first few days after birth it is important to make sure your newborn is receiving colostrum - the antibody-rich liquid that nourishes the newborn until the milk turns into milk. continued in 3a or 4 days postpartum.
The simplest way to make sure your new baby is full is to not feed your older baby until milk comes in.
You can also monitor your milk supply by paying attention to your baby's cues. Your baby should feed at least 8 to 12 times in 24 hours, have at least 6 wet and 3 dirty diapers, and gain weight steadily. If those criteria are not met or you have other concerns, talk to your doctor.
Đang cho con bú mà lại có thai
Đang cho con bú mà lại có thai sẽ không tốt cho thai nhi

4. Mother needs to supplement and eat well if breastfeeding while pregnant

If you decide to breastfeed during pregnancy, it is essential that you eat well to ensure the health of your nursing baby and unborn baby. Your calorie intake will depend on the age of the child. You'll need about 500 extra calories per day if your baby is eating foods other than breast milk, or an extra 650 calories if he's under 6 months old.
This adds up to the 350 calories you need in the second trimester and the extra 450 calories you need in the third trimester. If you are in the first trimester and find it difficult to eat due to nausea, you will be assured that there is no need to add calories in the first trimester.
There are no official nutritional recommendations for tandem breastfeeding, but you may need an extra 800 to 1,000 calories per day to support breastfeeding for both babies, depending on how often you feed your baby. breastfeeding. Your hydration needs also increase - drink 12 to 16 cups of water a day.

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